Bantam Reel question

Posted by: StephenN

Bantam Reel question - 10/05/05 04:19 PM

I have a question for some of you guys who have been around for awhile. What is the difference between a Bantam 100 sg and the 200 sg. I have been looking to purchase one of these from a friend. I'm assuming line capacity, but is there anything else? Or is there someplace that has good info on old reels? Thanks in advance
Posted by: DriftWood

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/05/05 05:08 PM

more line capacity, the 20 is a little bigger.
Posted by: fishgutz

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/05/05 06:10 PM

I have a bantam 50, nice reel bur awful loud to cast. any way to quiet them down?
Posted by: escapee

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/05/05 07:53 PM

Those little Bantams suck!! If you send it to me I will be happy to toss it in the garbage for you! :p Heck, I'm such a nice guy I'll even pay for the shipping.
Posted by: eggo

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/05/05 09:26 PM

are those bantams better than the newer reels we have today a lot of people i have seen use them so there must be something good about them the ones i have seen look like they are built tuff is that the reason?
Posted by: rattlefish

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/06/05 07:30 AM

I used to dunk mine in the river every 20 or so casts that shut it up. always a good way to get a little elbow room at blue creek was to short cast it once or twice, claclka clacka like, then when they gave some room dunk it and fish. smooth as silk then.
Posted by: DriftWood

Re: Bantam Reel question - 10/06/05 01:05 PM

Send that reel to me gutz, I'll take it off your hands. \:D Sounds like she just needs a good rebuild.