
Posted by: Trout Master

Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 10:28 AM

Zen leecher ,what flies should Micro brew and I take with us for next weekend? Will we receive stone tablets when we arrive at the top of the mountain? rolleyes
Posted by: Zen Leecher aka Bill W

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 11:52 AM

well... you called this a pilgra"midge"... so one thing you'll need is midges or chronies.. and beadheaded to boot. black, brow (big), green (14 & 16) and silver.

Also a coupla types of damsel imitations...maybe a damsel adult for grins, mayfly dries and emergers... don't forget floating dragon nymphs to drag around, and of course chironimids.. Oh..did I repeat myself... guess chronies are doubly important.

This should sound just like a list for Leniece as it's also a desert lake.

Maybe a couple of leech imitations.
Posted by: Trout Master

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 12:08 PM

Brow = brown I hope. allright lots of chronies, damsels,dragons. What about the all important Leech? Will we be shaving our heads and using the tamborines, What sandals
as some of the streets there get hot. Thats if were passing out leaflets.
Posted by: Zen Leecher aka Bill W

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 01:18 PM

T M,

Your "footer" refers to indicator fishermen... and not to try to figure them out... or some other oddball group?? Is that it?

Yeah.. brow equalled browN. I cleaned my keyboard a couple of weeks ago and now I have some sticky keys. The "G" key is the worst. I really have to thump it to type that letter.

If you recall an earlier report I made on this "secret lake" in question, I noted that leeches let me down and maybe I should change my title to "zen chronie".

I keep thinking the swirls I saw were fish chasing down damsel nymphs... but the one I threw didn't get any special attention. Maybe a different damsel pattern might have worked better... but I didn't have any special insight.

I'd suggest floppy hats instead of sandals as the weather east of the mountains is hot. Where I'll take you... you'll get baked and baked lots as the fishing is good thru the day.

So... after you fish from the "well of knowledge" will you be any more humble afterwards??? I should let you fish it twice as you may need a touch more "humble" than most.

Oh.. maybe some shrimp imitations and some backswimmers might be in order.

Right now I'm corresponding with a zen (damsel) master of the damsel persuasion from Logan Lake, BC to suggest some special insight to what's going on with the hatches east of the mountains.
Posted by: Micro Brew

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 02:13 PM

ZF - I would concur on the damsels. Had one crawl onto the pontoon last week and emerge. Also saw anumber of small ones swimming near the surface - size 14 / 16. If TM could see, he would see some of that good stuff in the water and then, perhaps, he could work on matching the hatch.... It is kind of a Zen thing though, takes concentration & dedication to the signs which are presented to you.
Posted by: Zen Leecher aka Bill W

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/24/01 02:29 PM

I had a fleeting thought of smaller damsels (or instars) like you mentioned.. but that thought "fled" and I neglected to try any smaller ones.

I'm still trying to work out the problem that was presented to me that weekend and haven't come to a solution yet.

Might have been "instars".
Posted by: Fishnfella

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/25/01 08:29 PM

A humble suggestion Zen,oh wise one.Possessor of infinate knowledge.
If the "Secret Lake" is the one we fished together,consider that those swirling raises from large fish may have not been takes of Damsel nymphs at all.
I fished that same rise a few days before you and threw many fine damsels to no avail.The water was rife with returning Chronomid Adults and I think they were porposing for them. I had no size 20 dry midges,don't fish that hatch anyhow as my eyes have failed me. frown
Posted by: Trout Master

Re: Pilgramidge - 05/29/01 10:38 AM

Bill, with this memorial weekend gone by, Thank Zen, I'm looking forward to the teachings of Zen. I suggest saturday as that would also work for Micro Brew. Hope you had a good weekend. eek