TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 07/08/03 01:49 AM

Posted by: HBP

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 07/08/03 01:36 PM

I used to fish Tarboo quite a bit when I lived in Hansville. I never caught,never saw caught, and never heard of Kokes in Tarboo. I haven't fished it in 5-6 yrs,so maybe the WDFW planted some.
Posted by: On The Hook

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 07/08/03 02:59 PM

There's Kokes in Tarboo????????? I live in Port Townsend and fish there alot Ive never seen nor caught one just bows(some larger ones).

If you catch one please please let me know as I would try harder too.

I will also ask some of my fishing buddies here if they know anything about it. eek
Posted by: ltlCLEO

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 07/26/03 05:13 PM

Not a confirmation but a local told me there were landlocked salmon in tarboo????

All I have ever caught were bows
Posted by: ACT

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 08/01/03 12:41 PM

Only Lake I know of in East Jefferson County where Kokanee have been planted is Gibbs Lake and the State didn't do the planting, Char from Safeway and her husband, who live next to the County Park, used to buy a couple of hundred smolts every year and do the planting. That was when the Lake was still owned by the Boy Scouts before it was sold to Mannekee, out of Tacoma and the County tradded Mannekee for the Park Property.

Haven't fished it in years, but I can remember doing some Catch & Release on that Lake. I have caught one Kokamee on that lake and released him a couple of times, the last time he must have weighed between 15 or 20 pounds.

It was always a fun lake to fish as it had a real Healthy Small Mouth Bass Population as well and at the time only a few locals knew about it.
Posted by: HBP

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 08/06/03 12:09 AM

A 15-20lb Kokanee? eek You can't be serious.
Posted by: ACT

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 08/06/03 01:40 PM

Yep , I can name at least a half dozen locals who have caught & released him. Myself included in that number.

We used to take at least one or two five or six pounders out of Gibbs every year, but I haven't fished it in years.
Posted by: HBP

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 08/06/03 02:24 PM


So you've released a Kokanee,thats twice as big as the current world record? rolleyes
Posted by: On The Hook

Re: TARBOO LAKE KOKANEE? - 08/15/03 02:36 PM

Hey ACT where do you fish around here.

Its been slow for me.