Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty

Posted by: Kent near Monroe

Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty - 10/12/04 07:52 PM

I've wanted to fish this lake for years and was thinking of heading over that direction tomorrow. Is camping allowed anywhere close to the lake? I don't need much just a place to put up a tent and park my car. Thanks
Posted by: kjackson

Re: Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty - 10/13/04 10:30 AM

The access to Rock was (and may still be) on private land. I don't think you'd be encouraged to camp there. There are campgrounds at nearby Sprague Lake, however.

Posted by: Kent near Monroe

Re: Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty - 10/13/04 12:07 PM

Thanks for the info. Darn, I was hoping I could camp somewhere close. I'm sure I'll find something.
Posted by: Kent near Monroe

Re: Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty - 10/24/04 12:45 AM

I fished Rock Lake for several days in the warm sunshine and camped there without any problem. I saw no signs saying otherwise. I spoke with several that fish that lake on a regular basis and they told me that mostly locals fish this lake and camping was allowed as far as they knew. One of the ranchers that lives up the road had a cow get out and asked if I would keep an eye on it after he chased it back across the lake outlet. The lake is very low and I could see the cliff drop off at the boat launch area. I was not impressed with the fishing, but hardly gave it a chance with my pontoon boat and limited access to the lake.
Posted by: Achewter

Re: Rock Lake, Whitman Cnty - 10/28/04 11:07 PM

I fished Rock when I lived in Spokane way back when. It's a trolling lake in the late fall. Perch and rainbow Rapalas for some big browns most 16 to 21" but a few 6 to 8 lbrs. Not a lake to mess with when the wind comes up and a few shallow spots that can do a number on a lower unit. confused