Wild Steelhead Coalition December Meeting

Posted by: Double Haul

Wild Steelhead Coalition December Meeting - 11/20/02 12:59 AM

Dear WSC Members & Friends,

Wild Steelhead Coalition Meeting
Wednesday, December 4, 2002 7:00 PM (6:30 Social)
Bothell American Legion Post
19213 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, WA

You are invited to attend the Wild Steelhead Coalition's December meeting. Be sure to join us for a great evening full of important information/discussion regarding wild steelhead and a overview the of the WSC Steelhead Summit that was attended by over 30 organizations.

December Program/Guest Speaker:

Speaker: Jennifer McLean
Title: Relative fitness of hatchery and wild steelhead in Forks Creek, Washington
Hatcheries have long been used in an attempt to increase or supplement wild fish populations, but their success has rarely been evaluated. Jennifer will discuss the results of her investigation of the spawning success of hatchery fish in the wild, and provide a comparison with spawning success for wild fish in the same creek (in terms of numbers of offspring produced). She will describe how DNA fingerprinting is used to accomplish this.
Jennifer is currently a PhD student at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington. She is investigating reproductive success,
or fitness, in hatchery and wild steelhead at a creek in southwest Washington, using molecular genetic techniques. Jennifer is in her fourth year at UW and plans to finish in the spring. After completing her PhD she plans to continue to research related topics. Jennifer has a MSc degree from the Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where she examined the population structure and phylogeography of eulachon (Columbia River smelt). She was born in and grew up in Vancouver, BC.
A question and answer period will follow has well as a overview of the WSC Steelhead Summit. Feel free to show up at 6:30 PM to meet some of the WSC Members and hear about how the WSC is working to preserve the legacy of wild steelhead!

For more information contact Rich at www.wscmembership@yahoo.com Also visit our website at www.wildsteelheadcoalition.com for information regarding the WSC.