early archery elk season changes??

Posted by: Scott B.

early archery elk season changes?? - 02/04/03 10:19 PM

From looking at the wdfw site that shows the possible changes they are going to make this year I see that they might really make a change with the early archery elk dates. yeeha finally. There are several options and you can vote for what you prefer and I hope everyone will. I'm interested what everyone thinks is the best choice of dates. I like the idea of pushing the season back a bit hopefully but not sure if the option of oct.1 is a bit extreme or not. If they do that they split the units with the muzzies and bowhunters and we would get to hunt until modern deer starts. Probly would get the rut for sure then where as now we are a little to early. So anyways what do you think. Scott
Posted by: wabowhunter

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/05/03 11:09 AM

Howdy Scott beer
Posted by: Zen Leecher aka Bill W

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/05/03 12:25 PM

some of you new twangers might not remember how the seasons were 10-12 years ago. Back then it was an October 1st opener and some of the areas were shared with muzzle loaders. I had one up by Blewett pass on Hurley creek road that I shared.
Posted by: gsiegel

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/05/03 10:38 PM

The report published by the WDFW after their first survey on this topic read that they intentionally left the most popular choice of the archers out beacause it was unnacceptable to management goals to have a Mid-September season.

I remember the Oct. 1st opener. Quit bow hunting for a few years when they dropped it.

I see pros and cons to all of the options. The worst thing that I see happening here is that the WDFW seems to again be ready to change season dates to give in to the biggest group that "whines" until it gets its way. I know for a fact that the big archery clubs instigated the change from 10/1 to 9/1 originally to get in on the early rut stages. Now it doesnt seem to fit their purposes anymore, so they are whining to have it changed back.

I have spoken with several archers who are part of these organizations and the reasoning behind the proposed changes seems to be that they will be able to hunt out of state in early Sept., then come back home for another "Opening Day" experience in Washington. They were also instrumental in getting antlerless harvest changed to the late hunt in several units because thats when they "Hunt in Washington".

I have nothing against being organized (maybe I should join myself). I'm just tired of the WDFW Commission holding their Public Meetings and taking input , then they right the rules to fit the sqeakiest bunch of wheels.

I don't really care which option they choose (think they don't already have their minds made up?); but I'm sure we will see more competition in our better elk areas if it goes back to 10/1.

Shouldn't the management be based on some logical or scientific evidence rather than constntly giving a relatively small and vocal group of cronies of the WDFW whatever they want?

Same old story...same old song and dance...
Posted by: glowball

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/07/03 08:59 AM

Don't for half a second think that all bowhunters are like the groupies that you talk to. The sole reason I want to see the dates change is to get away from all the campers and hikers that spend labor day weekend out in the woods. I'll bowhunt no matter what the season is, but would like to be without most of Seattle out in the woods. Wouldn't you?

Posted by: gsiegel

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/07/03 08:29 PM

Amen GB!

Last couple openers have been pretty tough with people coming literally out of the woodwork.

I think the WDFW needs to hear from a few more "non-groupies" or at least listen to people who aren't affiliated.

I look forward to whatever comes; if they back it up enough maybe we'll actually get rain and I can hunt where I want to!

Posted by: Scott B.

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/07/03 10:36 PM

My comment to fish and game back when they first started taking comment online was backing the season up a bit so maybe we could get some rain as the last couple seasons the fire danger shuts down a lot of the land on the peninsula. And labor day weekend is a bit of a joke too! If the bowhunters (or twangers ) wanted to whine it would be about the smokepolers who shoot 150 yards getting to hunt the rut while we are out in the prerut dry as a bone trying to sneak within 50 yards!! Anyways I'm just a lone sportsman putting in my two cents worth and while it should be all about what is best for the animals it should be fair for all types of hunters and the stats show bowhunters have the lowest success rates so it seems fair to make an adjustment. I would be for giving up the late season for a better early season also. As far as which choice of dates I would choose I'm not sure yet . I want to find out if we would loose any units we now have or would they be open to both muzzies and bowhunters at the same time. SB
Posted by: lobo

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/08/03 02:12 PM

At the Fife meeting, WDFW had four options to choose from.

1. Status Quo
2. Sept. 5-18
3. 14 days starting the day after Labor Day
4. Oct 1-14 splitting GMUs with Muzzleloaders

The reasons WDFW (Donnie Marterelo mediated our group) stated changes were being considered were, as stated here a few times, 1) to avoid hunter confrontations with Labor Day weekend camping and hiking crowds and 2) to reduce the fire hazard risk.

Option 2 does not deal with the Labor Day situation and was not supported by those in attendance.

Option 4 received the very little support. I agreed with the sentiment in the group that this was the wrong direction because it would result in more division and resentment between hunting groups (archers vs. muzzleloaders) which is the last thing all hunters need now.

Most folks voted for the post labor day hunt but also made an argument that the best way to deal with the campers and rainfall issues would be to back the season up to the last two weeks of September, just before the muzzleloader season starts.

As a bowhunter I agree that this would be a nice way to deal with the stated problems, but I would always defer my preferences to the scientifically preferred approach. The job of WDFW is to balance public opinion with science. I hope they place a higher emphasis on true biology. They need to hear that message too.

Whatever your opinion is, WDFW is taking comments on all of the hunting season proposals until Feb. 10. I encourage everyone to do your own "squeaking".

Posted by: MetalHead

Re: early archery elk season changes?? - 02/09/03 10:59 AM

I attended the meeting in Vancouver on the 30th of January and the concensious of the group there was pretty evenly split between the tuesday after labor day and the October 1 opener.

Department spokesman said the Sept 8 to 21 season would not happen in Washington because they were not going to allow hunting during the peak of the rut. This is the same season dates that the 3 major archery organizations suggested 6 years ago when WDFW changed the seasons to Sept 1 the groups wanted the season to open earlier and they got it just not what they wanted.

Its is my belief that the only real reason they are considering moving the opener date now is because of complaints from the non hunting public about conflict of users (bunny huggers vs hunters) on the labor day weekend. But no one from WDFW will admit this.

Remember you have until tomorrow morning to fill out the online survey and make your voice heard before they begin preparing their recommendations to the commission.