Gun appraiser?

Posted by: buckmaster5x4

Gun appraiser? - 03/02/06 12:14 PM

Does anyone know were I can take a antique firearm to get appraised. I have a antique gun and my Grandma would like me to try and sell it but Im not sure how much to sell it for.

I also have a 30-06 for sale Remington Woodmaster Model 742 with a 3x9 Leupold scope.
Posted by: Hatch

Re: Gun appraiser? - 03/02/06 02:26 PM

You can go to your local Barnes & Noble and in the sports section you should find a reference guide for gun values. If your firearm is not listed in the book you can go to and they can tell you what you need to know. Good luck.
Posted by: KNOPHISH

Re: Gun appraiser? - 03/03/06 09:11 AM

You listed the .06 but what is the antique gun?
Posted by: buckmaster5x4

Re: Gun appraiser? - 03/03/06 11:00 AM

I believe it is a Sharps model 1852. I'm not 100% that is one of the reasons I want to take it to someone.
Posted by: Chuck E

Re: Gun appraiser? - 03/03/06 07:36 PM

Check this website out. You might be able to locate your rifles here and get an idea of what the price might be at auction. At least it may be some help. These guys sell some real nice firearms.
Posted by: Ichtyoid

Re: Gun appraiser? - 03/18/06 09:49 PM

Whatever you do dont go and take it to some gun store or pawn shop. They will tell you that its worth crap and then offer to take it off your hands for a few dollars more like they feel bad for you and want to help you out.

Ive seen gunstore owners tell people their gun is junk and offer $50 for a $750 rifle, just to see if they are desperate for money.