Deer Hunting Douche Bags!

Posted by: huntncoug

Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 01:31 AM

We went hunting in Pullman this weekend which was the last week of deer hunting and the opening for pheasants. We hunted a lot of feel free to hunt areas and were met with the same problem at every place we went. Groups of 2-4 four wheelers cruising through all the good CRP with rifles around their shoulders trying to flush deer. Unless you own the property, or are very old or disabled this is the most half ass method of deer hunting I have ever seen. A lot of these people seemed plenty able bodied to get off their ass and actually hunt for deer. A lot of areas that were once "feel free to hunt" are now posted no hunting. I believe four wheelers are to blame for this closing of "feel free to hunts" if you are not disabled get off your ass and hunt deer the old fashion way, if you are too lazy, stay home, if you are out of shape spend a month or two to get into shape. Stay off the four wheelers and enjoy the chase.
Posted by: Driftin'

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 02:15 AM

Sorry to hear about that. I run into this same crowd elk hunting too. I walk in Forest Service roads that are closed to motor vehicles to access some favorite drainages. The past couple of years, these guys are a constant presence. I glassed one quad last year with a rear bench seat that had 5 guys with beer, cigars and rifles sticking out. They didn't even see me in blaze orange further up the drainage. I get tired of picking up the empties these slobs toss on the side of the trail....

This also reminds me of talking to a young mule deer hunter when quads were first coming out. Young guy had dropped a nice 4x4 muley in a sage bowl only to have a couple guys see him do it from the FS road about a mile below. They ride up and take his deer from him as he's up to his elbows in blood. His dad gets there too late to do anything about it. Karma comes through as dad steals the deer back with tag from said slob's camp after they got drunk and went to sleep.
Posted by: huntncoug

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 02:24 AM

Yeah it pisses me off, we have lost a lot of good private deer hunting zones int the Pullman area because of all the guys on four wheelers. These feel free to hunt zones are meant for people on foot. Farmers dont like to see four wheelers and trucks running around their wheat fields tearing up the ground chasing the deer out of the country.
Posted by: RognSue

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 03:22 AM

Originally Posted By: huntncoug
if you are not disabled get off your ass and hunt deer

The same Lame Ass people that fill the freezer with snagged salmon...
Posted by: Irie

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 03:37 AM

Reminds me of driving up the back way to Brooklyn on opening day of Modern Deer a few years ago.

Lowered Hondas & Hyundais with tinted windows creeping along with a rifle barrel sticking out each window.
Posted by: j 7

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/26/09 12:42 PM

All to common of an occurance out here. There are only a few game wardens to patrol a huge area. Minimal enforcement and absolutley no fear of getting caught. I was hunting an area a few years ago on opening day pheasant and had a similar situation. Walk in hunting only type property and I'm in there about a mile and I hear a rig coming my way. They catch up to me and I told them that they were not supposed to be driving up here. They had the nuts to tell me they owned the land although were not clear on the surrounding properties and owners. I think they were full of chit as they left promptly and I have not seen them anywhere around that area since.
Posted by: Lofty

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/30/09 07:26 PM

Ah that sucks. I have a big issue with hunters using quads.

It's bastardized, discounted hunting if you ask me... They're legal in National Forests on 4 x 4 trails only. Not allowed on Private timberland period as far as I understand. It seems to me from what I've witnessed that Quad relating hunting activity is just plain and simple lazy aZZ way to do things. Not for me.

I tire of hunting W. WA private timberland due to Quads; seeing folks completely disregarding the rules and laws. Hike in and bamn some dude is cruising by on his quad completely breaken the laws or rules.

It's gotta be a lazy Southern thing if you ask me... Guys watching too many Southern Ranch deer hunting shows sitting in their lazy boys just getting fatter and more out of shape and further reinforcing, 'their need to keep hunting with their Quads.

Guys need to sell their quads, get off their fat butts once in a blue moon, , drive their truck to their hunting areas, and walk in like all the rest of us legal, law and rule abiding citizen's.

Quads suck... I'm out!
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/30/09 08:59 PM

Quads suck, except when you can legally use them to get your elk out. wink
Posted by: McMahon

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/30/09 09:24 PM

I know exactly how you feel Coug. I hunt around Moscow and see the same stuff all the time. You're exactly right about them being responsible for the closing of private land to hunting (along with general disrespect for ag. fields).

You might try up towards Palouse. You may not run into the same problem.
Posted by: huntncoug

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/31/09 07:32 PM

Originally Posted By: McMahon
I know exactly how you feel Coug. I hunt around Moscow and see the same stuff all the time. You're exactly right about them being responsible for the closing of private land to hunting (along with general disrespect for ag. fields).

You might try up towards Palouse. You may not run into the same problem.

We actually hunted around Palouse the first day of the season and your right we didnt have that problem, the problem was there were no birds there. We normally get a limit or two right away around Palouse but not this year, we only got two roosters for 8 hours of hunting.
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 10/31/09 08:35 PM

To each his own. I have a problem with people who think their way is the only way. If people want to hunt from a quad then they should. I don't condone assholes rideing them in the wrong places especially when they come to a foot hunter and cruse right past them.

Bitching about guys hunting from a quad is just like fly fishermen bitching about bait guys.

Posted by: The Moderator

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 11/02/09 11:54 AM

Why not go to the private land owner and ask for their permission to hunt? Tell them you don't own or operate a 4-wheeler and that you'll just walk in, walk out, and respect their property.

Heck, offer them a 1/4 of a deer if you shoot one.

You'b be surprised at how well that works.
Posted by: STRIKE ZONE

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 11/02/09 01:57 PM

Sucks you got the shaft by ass hat's runnin all over on quads.However there is nothing wrong with using a quad to help get the animal out if legal to do so.I pack my quad in the bed of my truck just in case I need it to get the animal out,other wise it stay's in the bed of the truck while out walkin through the bush.Good luck,
Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Deer Hunting Douche Bags! - 11/02/09 03:51 PM

If you take all the work out of hunting, is it still hunting? Or does it become something else?
