Canadian Geese

Posted by: MartyMoose

Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 02:17 PM

Took my kids down to the park in Marysville this past Saturday, the one with the boat launch into the Slough.

After playing on the playground for awhile the kids wanted to go down the launch and watch the boats come in and out. While watching for a bit, we saw some waterfowl hunters come in. About three boats in all came in right around the same time. Only one boat bagged any, a female hunter was able to bring down three beautiful honkers.

On a side note:

There was some dude there with three boys that let his kids swim in and around the launch, getting in people's way and generally pissing a few folks off when he aggressively tried to help them launch or recover their boats. I thought he was going to get his ass beat a couple of times. i got out of there because I didn't want to be associated with him. Any of you happen to run into this character?
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 02:31 PM

Nice to know someone is getting some.

Sorry to be a stickler, but it is Canada goose, not Canadian goose.
Posted by: MartyMoose

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 02:35 PM

oops...I thought that Geese was the plural form. Oh well, thanks for the correction. I will remember that for sure from now on. beer
Posted by: FishRanger

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 04:42 PM

How do you know they weren't Canadians.. . . did you check their passports ???. . . .. . .

Canadian Canada Gooses ? ? moose
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 04:57 PM

I think those that stay here all year are American gooses.
Posted by: snit

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/13/11 05:22 PM

But were they born here Dave.................
Posted by: fishhog

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/14/11 11:11 AM

Local boys up my way made a good dent in the local population of BC Goosessss. smile
Two groups had 45 and one group had 24. Damn things are a real problem if you have waterfront property !!!
Posted by: D3Smartie

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/14/11 11:48 AM

I shot my limit on Saturday. Man these coastal birds are stinky!
Posted by: Somethingsmellsf

Re: Canadian Geese - 09/14/11 11:28 PM

Candanadian or Americanada Goosaneess's sounds good to me, I should have gotten out there.

MM, I have seen several different folks with kids down there at the boat launch with kids swimming around. I have to say the guy would not have touched my boat or he would have been educated quickly!
I don't blame the kids, its the retarded adults that bring them there to swim instead of somewhere more appropriate, besides that its dangerous.
