Pointy sticks and venison

Posted by: Carcassman

Pointy sticks and venison - 12/05/23 07:34 PM

After about a decade of not getting out I chased deer again. Age and illness cut into strength so the bow was wound down from 60 to 45.

Yet, this afternoon up on the Kitsap Peninsula, I connected on a 10 yard heart shot on a 3x2. Tiny antlers, big body. Benn hunting since 1963 and this was my first branch-antlered buck. Looking forward to some great eating.
Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Pointy sticks and venison - 12/20/23 09:10 AM

Didn't see your post until now. Congrats! I have so many deer around my house that I keep thinking about hunting (?) them. Then I think about having to butcher one, and it's been so long that I just stop thinking about it. I used to shoot a lot. I had a Wing recurve, the Red Wing Hunter. I sold it 20-some years ago because it was just gathering dust.

Then I got the itch again and bought an old Wing off E-bay. Turns out 40# is a lot of draw weight today, so I also bought a 25# practice bow and a starter set for my grandson. We have a lot of fun with the target in the wood shed. I had a bumper crop of apples this year. They are beginning to go soft now, so I have two spikes and a forkhorn eating apples in my side yard.
Posted by: Carcassman

Re: Pointy sticks and venison - 12/20/23 10:18 AM

Thanks. The area I was hunting in was rather developed. One needed to consider where the deer would go to die. But it did show that such hunting, and deer control, is possible.

I am using a Parker compound. Had to wind it down from 60 to 45 as I seem to be weaker in my advanced age. Also found out that the bow was poorly set up originally so we (the guide and a local Pro-shop) have made many alterations that means I have to practice a lot more.