
Posted by: Steelheadman

Worms - 01/20/00 02:03 AM

Does anybody have success using live nightcrawlers for winter runs?
Posted by: Curt

Re: Worms - 01/20/00 02:14 AM

yeh,i've done pretty good with them in clear water conditions.

Posted by: Kevin

Re: Worms - 01/20/00 10:53 AM

A friend of mine and me were just talking about this last weekend. He said his aunt used just worms and could out fish either of us with them. I havn't tried them myself but the rubber worms seem to work great so why wouldn't a real work just as good if not better?
Tight lines
Posted by: Buddy Page

Re: Worms - 01/20/00 11:32 AM

Yes, They definitely work. Just like pink worms, I've fished them alone under a float and on jigs and drifted them with areofly's rags, etc. Try'em when everyone else is tossing eggs and shrimp in the combat ones.
Posted by: hawk

Re: Worms - 01/20/00 12:30 PM

I have really good luck using "Terrestrials" aka "Garden Hackle" when the rivers start to color up after the first good spring rain. Fished tight to the bank, and in the brush, they can be killer. Also work good on some of the late fish in really deep eddy type holes. A little tip that works for me is to put a little chartreuse and flame yarn under a snell, then hook the garden hackle through the collar, and use a very light split shot about 20 inches up the main line. If there is a metal head lurking in a shadowy area of the hole, hang on, as they will whack the snot out of it. Doesn't hurt to use an inflator or hypodermic to pump a little air in them, and make them buoyant. Tight Lines
Posted by: fishkisser99

Re: Worms - 01/23/00 02:10 AM

You guys are nuts! Winter runs don't touch worms!

Posted by: Steelheader boy

Re: Worms - 01/24/00 11:09 AM

fishem nice and slow with a small peice of pink yarn .... hang on tight..I've found these work a little better on smaller rivers ,presentation is everything

Tight Lines
Posted by: willierower

Re: Worms - 01/24/00 12:08 PM

Nightcrawlers kick ass on steelhead.... I love using them for late winter fish. late febuary through march and into april. They seem to work best after a little rain.
When I was about 14 a frind and I rode our bikes to the shell hole on the Coquille river On Oregons south coast. This hole is right in town so it was an easy bike ride. It was saturday and there were some other guys there. My friend pulls out a dozen worms he bought the day before, This ne ole guy just laughed and said " you boys must be out for trouts" Well guess who got in the last laugh??? We did. 7 hook ups later and 4 bonked steelhead. Now I look back and realize why they worked so well. The fish had been pounded on with eggs and spinners etc. Nightcrawlers were just something different and natural. The steelhed couldnt resist them.
Oh yea, hold on tight when you use them, Steelhead take em hard!!!!!