Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future

Posted by: Anonymous

Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 01:17 AM

Very significant news releases were made recently about both the Columbia R. sockeye season and, more importantly, filed lawsuits by the WDFW & ODFW against the "Unfair Pair" of NMFS and Tribal Commissions! You should read them under the "Columbia Update" post by Nanook on the Ifish BB. [This is not a plug for Ifish; there's been plenty of pub recently anyway by some of this BB's members]. To read these and read reply commentary, or post your opinions, access & mark and the RT BB (Discussion Board). I believe that good things are on the horizon for N.W. sportfishers if Judge Marsh has more sense than Judge Boldt (and wouldn't almost any judge???)! And if the WDFW comes thru with the mandatory fin-clipping of all hatchery fish. Check this out. - Steve Hanson - Edit: Ifish is back up again after US West fixed a fiber cable they cut thru.

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 06-30-2000).]
Posted by: Native son

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 09:38 AM

Reel truth thank you for the web site address, at a glance it looks like a site I can use. I am considering answering most of your questions but am wondering just exactly what a tech. writer is. First of I have to say that once again the biggest single contributing factor in the decline of summer steelhead on the north olympics is habitat degredation.
Posted by: B. Gray

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 01:30 PM

Native Son,

I can answer your question about what a tech writer is. (You may have been looking at my profile?)

In a nutshell, tech writers are the people who write those confusing software and hardware (the actual machines) manuals that aim to show people how to use their new toys. Me, I write manuals and whatnot at Adobe (Photoshop, Pagemaker, etc.) for internal developers to understand what makes the software work.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 03:44 PM

Edit: Ifish is back up again. Someone at US West cut a fiber cable.

Ifish is temporarily down this morning & Jen is out of town. Hope to have it back up a quickly as possible. -- You guys will have to pardon my using the term tech writer. I was called that several months ago for writing fishing tech articles so I used it. I am only semi-lierate when it comes to the net and jargon so I wasn't aware of it being used to describe a computer techie. I could sure use some lessons from you Bruce! What I do on Ifish is write mini fishing tech articles on the BB there, as well as answer peoples Q's about fishing techniques for salmon & steelhead; and am also the BB moderator as Bob is here. I also have an article coming out in the fall issue of STS mag and am trying to finish my book entitled The REEL TRUTH before the year is out. So I should use something other than tech writer. Hmmm .... some of my guide buddies might like squeal writer for "giving it up" about guide's fishing secrets. Screw 'em. Let's see... fishing writer? Fishing tech explainer? I don't know. Btw, I do like Bob's logo of The Really Big One, it could be taken so many ways- cool. I guess I'll use fishing tech writer to avoid confusion such as above. Thanks. - RT

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 06-30-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 06-30-2000).]
Posted by: ramstrong

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 04:07 PM

Hey RT,

How about Fishing Technologies Administrator? That sounds good.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 06/30/00 11:38 PM

RS - Is that a notch higher than Domestic Engineer? -- Ifish is back up again. Someone at US West cut a Fiber cable. Don't they know that's stupid?
Posted by: Osprey

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 07/03/00 12:59 PM

RT... how about Executive Administrative Angling Editor or just the head Emu Fornicator wasn't Deliverence filmed somewhere on the Clackescannie

Row Quietly and fish a Cataraft }<<(('>----<'))>>{
Release all Wild Fish

[This message has been edited by Osprey (edited 07-03-2000).]
Posted by: CedarR

Re: Important Anouncement & Suit For The Future - 07/03/00 02:22 PM

Don't forget to add "Consultant" to the title you decide on. Then you can double your hourly, while cutting your workload in half. Think of all the additional fishing time you'll have. On second thought, I'm not sure the NW fish runs can take the increased pressure. Better file an EIS, or just plan on golfing more