Spineless goverment

Posted by: Moondog

Spineless goverment - 08/26/00 02:33 PM

Our Government can go into a sovereign country and kidnap its leader, put him on trial, find him guilty, and send him to prison. I’m speaking of course of Noriaga (Not to sure how its spelled) but they refuse to do anything about the indians selling illegal fireworks to our kids. Illegal fishing practices that we all see. And so on… Why? Because they are a so-called sovereign nation? I say BS. Its time we clean our own house.

Just venting a little………
Keep your line tight and rock on!
Posted by: potter

Re: Spineless goverment - 08/26/00 02:47 PM

Go back one step from that. Indians buy fireworks from non-indians off reservations and in the U.S.