Posted by: stlhdr1


Of all the lines out there, you certainly have alot to choose from. My favorite is Maxima ultragreen for mainline on levelwinds and all leaders. On spinning reels I use Stren magnathin in the moss color! What are the hot choices and why???

Posted by: salmontackler

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 02:16 AM

Maxima UG, there is no other line worth considering for baitcasters, or salmon reels.
Posted by: Hohwaiian

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 02:43 AM

I like "soft" mainlines. Also, I respool with fresh line so often I need something relatively cheap. So I mainly use Ande or BigGame. If I feel like splurging I'll pick up a spool of Tournament Ande or G-Line. For leaders, I cannot hedge here. Maxima UG from 4-30 lb test.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 03:00 AM

I change my line lots like Hoh, so I also want quantity with my quality....Ande Green for my baitcasters

Steelheader.net marty@steelheader.net
Posted by: B Mac

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 09:44 AM

I have to agree with the other posts and say Ande for my baitcasters. Respooling often is a must, and you can't beat the price of Ande. I have many freinds who have lost the only fish of the day, and find out later they are using the same line they had on their reels the previous year. For my summer run fishing with spinning gear I have been using Berkely ultrathin and have not had any problems. Good fishing!
Posted by: K B

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 10:53 AM

I have been using IZOR On a bait caster it works great and it is very strong and holds knots well. The price is right also. I landed a 32# king on 8# test WOW that was fun !!
Posted by: TH

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 12:03 PM

This year in the salt, I started using #25 Stren High Impact in high vis green. It's wonderful, very tough, and abrasion resistant, but also soft enough to work with. I strongly recommend it. I will be using it for my river slamon fishing as well. As for leaders, it's Max. UG all the way.
As for steelies, Mx UG once again... T

The line debate is very similar to the hook debate.... they are both such small prices to pay considering the prices you have paid for everything else.


Posted by: tule

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 01:08 PM

I work at a large sporting goods store. We've ran various tests on maxima vs. trilene, on the breakage scale 15 lb. maxima ultra green broke at 18 pds, while trilene xt broke at 22 pds. Although the maxima is the larger diameter and more expensive, trilene is as abrasion resistant, limper, and cheaper, which is great for baitcasting reels and changing your line often. Big Game is another great line, a little bit limper, but larger diameter. Our boss is sure to tell us not to argue with maxima guys, because they have been using it so long. So no offense.
Posted by: Suzuki Sandman

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 05:37 PM

I use both UG and Chameleon. I used to use UG only and it does work great, good breaking point and soft enough to work with. I switched to Chameleon and boy is it strong.. A little harder to work with at first. I tied on a 2oz weight and put about 30 cast's on it and it seemed to ease up on the stiffness.
Either Way, MAXIMA Baby!!!
Posted by: Jigman

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 06:14 PM

I also like Maxima U.G. for bait casters and I've been using Izorline this year on my spinning reels....both are tough lines that don't break easily. For a super limp line Excaliber by Silver Thread is hard to beat.
Posted by: Bruce(Coho@TheRefuge)

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 09:19 PM

Trilene XT.... good abrasion resistance. I always used it in salt now use it in rivers too. Only thing I wish is that it was more visible in low light conditions. I use Maxima for leaders.

[This message has been edited by Bruce (edited 09-23-2000).]
Posted by: Timber

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 09:28 PM


[This message has been edited by Timber man (edited 09-23-2000).]
Posted by: Hammer Bob

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 09:59 PM

Years ago I had terrible luck with Maxima. When fishing in the ocean if you got within 20 ft. of a piece of kelp it would break. For ocean fishing I have gone with Big Game and for backbouncing I really like using the Fusion line with mono leaders. I do miss the shock absorbing properties of mono but this can be offset with a lighter drag and a calloused thumb.
Posted by: AkKings

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 09:59 PM

like the hook debate it boils down to having confidence in my gear, Maxima is a great line and I have alot of confidence in it. Trilene or Ande I would call a close second.
Posted by: Aerofly

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 10:42 PM

Like Maxima very much, but have to choose Tectan for all my reels now. or the Steel power both from a german company called DAMYAL. Still will use maixima for my leaders.
Posted by: EricW

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 10:43 PM

OK, I'll enter the card game here.

I've used maxima forever but switched totally to trilene xt for about 5 years because I had to cut off about 10 ft. of maxima whenever I hung up and broke off because the maxima got weak from stretching so far up the line.....it was getting to be an old story so I switched to trilene.

However, the green trilene xt is damn near impossible to see in low light and that was also getting to be an old story.

So.....I now use maxima crystal ivory and I am totally happy with it. Holds up well but offers decent visibility above water without the neon "loudness" of some other bright lines.

Only downer is the stuff is darn near impossible to find in a store so I order mine through bass pro. Good price too......$11 something for a thousand yards!
Posted by: TK

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/23/00 11:16 PM

My vote goes to Crystal Ivory Maxima for main line as well, for baitcasters. You get 5 times as much as Ultragreen for the same or less price. You get good visibility above water. I use the same strength Izorline leader (10 and 10) and the Izor is slightly weaker, you don't have to drop to 10 and 8.

I took Jigman's advice and tried the Excalibur for my spinning reels and it is very good line, in my opinion.

Posted by: DavH12

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 01:11 AM

Maxima is great until you hook a big fish. It stretches and loses half its strength. I'd have to go with Trilene although im trying McCoy right now. We'll see how it does.
Posted by: hogtide

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 03:48 AM

....unless Trilene XT is on sale.
Posted by: steelyhorn hunter

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 12:45 PM

MAXIMA!!! I've tried the rest and always returned to the best; Maxima!!!!
Posted by: Big Jim

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 06:10 PM

I have used both Maxima and Ande. I like Ande better for main line. The best I ever used for mono was the Fenwick line. The Saltline and Lightline were top of the pack. No longer made, which really sucks. But I now use the Spectra lines like Spiderwire, PowerPro, or TuffLine Plus. In the small wieght class. That stuff is damn near unbreakable. They have no memory, are "rub" resistant, and have no give. ust a snap of the wrist and the hook is set.

Just because I look big, dumb, and ugly, doesn't mean I am. It means I can stomp you for calling me it!
Posted by: Fishlips

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 06:43 PM

I've used Maxima UG for the last 15 years, but because of my recent experience in getting a couple batches of poor quality line (15lb test UG breaking at 10lbs -fresh out of the box) I've switched to trilene XT. I agree with Tule's post, At the same test XT has a thinner diameter but a higher breaking strength than Maxima UG. If you don't believe it, test it for yourself. Try tying a piece of trilene xt 14lb to one end of a swivel and a piece of 15lb UG to the other and pull. Although the UG is considerably thicker, it breaks first every time.
Posted by: lester

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 07:21 PM

Haven't you heard of FIRELINE.I could tell you stories until the cow's-come-home about Steelhead twisted around snags for over twenty minutes that we were able bust the snag off with our net and still reel the fish in!!!If I "HAD" to use mono it would definitly be maxima though.lester
Posted by: superfly

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/24/00 09:23 PM

There are so many good lines out there that if you start getting into them too much you won't get any fishing done. I like the ande pink ,green and tournament. Especially the tournanment for leaders because the color blends in so well with most of our rivers here in the northwest. Then there is the maxima ultra green which is just plain great, then the maxima crystal. I also have used Mcoy's with good success, so there are allot of good lines out there and if you have sucess with what you are using I suggest that you stick with it. Superfly
Posted by: Osprey

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/25/00 10:56 AM

Ande green and tournament for my bait casters with the new floresent green on my spinner ,If I'm headed to Penn,I'll use the trilene.

Row Quietly and fish a Cataraft }<<(('>----<'))>>{
Release all Wild Fish
Posted by: schitzo with a berkley

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/25/00 11:18 AM

i personally used to love trilene xt, till i switched to ande for mainline, both work quite well, bought a spool of that gammy , found out how crappy it is..stuff sucks, anyone agree? on a spinning reel anyways..well thats my input..***schitzo signing off***
Posted by: STRIKE ZONE

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/25/00 01:04 PM

Maxima UG all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.STRIKE ZONE
Posted by: rogue runner

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/25/00 08:43 PM

Triline big game for me 20#. When you hang up every 5 casts in he duc your line takes a beating. I had problems with Max breaking off easier and also being more difficult to cast with. I did try it cause everyone I talked with liked it better but have gone back to big game on all my reels. rr
Posted by: Keta

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/26/00 01:38 AM

Maxima is good line but I have gone to lines with better thickness/lb. test ratio. The reason being the smaller line casts better and farther. It also sinks faster and is something to concider for getting max. depth when pulling plugs. For example, 10lb. Maxima UG, the pack says it's .012 the line I have measures .013-.014. and breaks at 13.5lbs. Gammi 17lb. says it's .014, measures .014 and breaks at 22lbs. or Damyl Tectan 24.2lb at .014 and breaks at 25lb. Another way to look at it is when comparing Maxima to lines of the same lb test that may be thinner and break at their rated test, the maxima seems much better becuase it actualy breaks above the rated lb test and is thicker. I know there are other factors that make a good line, but strength to diameter is easy to measure and a good place to start. I have read a few comments saying Gammi line, which I use and like, sucks. I've never heard what it is about the line that is bad, just curious. Anyone run across a line that is just plain crap? IMHO Seagar fluorocarbon is one.
Posted by: Hohwaiian

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/26/00 02:54 AM

Keta, nothing wrong with Gammi line. I've been using it (30lb test) for mailine while driftfishing the rivers for summer kings. I like the fact that it has a smaller diameter and is extremely supple compared to other 30lb lines. In my opinion it has performed well. I'll be trying 40lb G-Line as mainline during October and November for fall-runs.
Posted by: schitzo with a berkley

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/27/00 03:35 PM

keta, i made the comment about it suckin, cuz ive been fishing ande and trilene for awhile now, and i jus dont see it comparing to it.. it has been giving me trouble as in twisting up on me (and yes i use a swivel) i use it on my shimano spinning reel, maybe it works better on a bait caster? so if i offended ya..lol..i opologize..but it jus dont cut it for me, thats why i made the comment ***schitzo***
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/27/00 09:47 PM


Posted by: Finegrain

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/27/00 10:40 PM

I'm revealing my ignorance, I'm sure, but what's wrong with braided lines like Berkley Whiplash or Power Pro? You can use something obscene like 80# test and still have a pretty thin line.

no abrasion resistance?
no stretch?
too expensive?
too visible?

I'm using it in the salt, with a snubber and mono leader. Am I just an idiot? As long as I keep it off the bottom, there's no abrasion issue. It is easy to handle, I can fit a buttload of it on the reel, and a Palomar knot seems to hold up without slipping. I'm not casting at all. Is that where the braided lines fall down?


Posted by: Keta

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/27/00 11:38 PM

Schitzo, no apology nessecary, I wasn't offended. I have read a couple of posts saying they didn't like gami line but no reason why. I've used it for some time now and it works good for me. I was just curious about what problems others were having with it, that's all.
Braided lines, I like them for salt fishing especially for jigging. For the type of river fishing I do, I don't care for them. Even though they measure thin, they are kind of flat and seem to float too much. There are alot of situations where I need to get the gear down in the strike zone as quickly as possable and braided line doesn't get down fast enough.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/28/00 08:06 AM

Finegrain, you are not ignorant at all about many of the superior properties of the superbraid Spectra type lines for mainline use. I have been reading this thread with amazement that more haven't been using it. It's small diameter to strength ratio and lack of stretch make it great for backbouncing, driftfishing, and boondoggin'. Particularly, it's non-stretch makes it much easier to tap and pick up lead when backbouncing bait. And to tap the full potential of today's very sensative rods you really need this line. You can feel everything with it and stick an instant hookset with it. It is much more durable and is not affected by longterm light or water exposure. And it is stronger! 30 lb. superbraid will consistently break 30 lb. Chameleon or XT mono. The 30 lb. test has about the diameter of 8 lb. mono, so it makes a great plugging line because it will allow the plugs to dive deeper.If you use a rodholder at a 35 deg. angle and have the drag set moderately, the lack of stretch is not a negative when fish hit the plugs. In fact it hooks them quicker and deeper. It's excellant for floatfishing because it wll float on the surface making it easier to see and mend the line. And the quicker hooksets again. It does have some downside. I use it only on my baitcasting reels so far (I use a spinning reel with 6 or 8 lb. Max UG for summer steelhead and low water jigging) and it takes a little getting used to for casting but it's just fine for that. However, with baitcasting reels it can occassionally bury itself in the spool a little when pulling out of snags, and then become a little more backlash prone temporarily. You have to learn to tie a double palomar knot for the thinner and more slick versions, but a single palomar is fine for thicker and coarser versions. Easy to learn. If you slack the line quite a bit it has a tendancy to snake around the rodtip sometimes, and it is slightly more prone to twisting. But this stuff is a real performance enhancing line due to it's superior properties, and that's what it's all about! - As for leaders, I have always liked Maxima and gone back to it after trying others. I use the UG for clearer water and the slightly tougher Chameleon for colored water. However, I profess to not experimenting enough with the very latest monos for leader use, so I need to listen to other guys and also do pull tests and river testing on the new stuff when I get enough time - until then I'll rough it with the Max. - RT

[This message has been edited by Reel Truth (edited 09-28-2000).]
Posted by: hogtide

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/29/00 01:44 AM

Tuf-Line and other spectra products are unbelievably strong and thin. They can't be beat for deep fast water fishing with minimum weight. I use 65pound Tuf-Plus for Columbia fall hogs..it is unbreakable! I can hold the bottom with 10 or 12 oz.while my partners are using 16 oz.It is the ultimate pig-pullin'line. No stretch.
The problems:
1)Cost is about $34 a spool of 300 yd.s
2)Special bumper knot tying is kinda a pain.
3)Line is so thin, testing a tight drag often results in a sliced hand or finger.
4)If not spooled on very tightly, it will bite down 'into' the spool if drag is snug and a fish is peeling line quickly.
5)It will not break. Snagged on the bottom, your transom may be pulled under before the line will give in.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/29/00 06:35 AM

- It lasts sooo much longer that the costs even out or better.
- Instead of a bumper knot for mono leader, use a small but strong 30 to 50 lb. test barrell swivel.
- You definitely are using too strong of a version for 'Nooks. Try the 30 or 40 lb. test. It will break off of snags by double wrapping it around your coat covered arm or the like. And it usually just breaks off the leader and saves some of the terminal gear.
- No, I'm not a fishing line salesman or connected to any. Just like to help people with ideas. That's all. - RT
Posted by: hogtide

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/29/00 07:48 PM

Good suggestions RT. I'll try 'em. I know my lb. test numbers sound like I'm a 'meat fisherman', but when it comes to big kings , I enjoy the 'powerplay"! .... maybe I am a meathogger!!!! Well, anyway...I always lightline for steelhead and let those lil' buggers jump and run to their hearts content.
Posted by: Chaps

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/30/00 02:52 AM

Love using PowerPro on my downrigger rods - zero stretch, low drag, can't wear it out. RT, on the spectra/ mono joint, I was never satisfied with any knots (always balling up) and your mini swivel idea is good but I have taken to splicing in an 18" piece of old style dacron line between the spectra and the leader. The spectra knots up nicely with the dacron and the dacron ties well with the mono. Also, when trolling, the dacron piece works better than the spectra or mono in the rigger release clip.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/30/00 03:05 AM

Big down side for the braided lines is that they do last so long in the river system. When you break off it creates a permanent snag for all that follow you. Please do not use it in the river for drift fishing when snagging up is a big problem.
Big pluses for backtrolling and jig fishing. Would work great for back bouncing as long as your dropper wasn't made out of the stuff!!
Tight Lines

Steelheader.net marty@steelheader.net
Posted by: Big Jim

Re: WE TALKED HOOKS LETS TALK LINE!!! - 09/30/00 02:15 PM

Just have to reply to Marty. I use the braids and I can only think of one time I broke my braid and not the mono leader. And that chunk of braid was in a tree so there is no way to really tangle in it. I know that I have pulled tons of mono out of drifts. I kinda think that is better then leaving any line in the water. But I would have to say I do feel sorry for any one who tangles in a "super" snag. Although, if I think hard (yeah I know, I see the smoke) any time you get even a small knot in the braids, POW there goes the line.

Just because I look big, dumb, and ugly, doesn't mean I am. It means I can stomp you for calling me it!