Worst Slump Ever

Posted by: Anonymous

Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 12:36 AM

Since the third of november Ive been in the worst slump ever.

Ive fished seventeen days this month and havent caught a Steellie since the third of November.I went to four to five fish days on summerruns to zilch!

I thought I was onto one of my best years ever but I gues not. I cant figure out the problem.

I hope this ends soon because my fishing buddies are starting to dislike me. Everytime I go out with them they get skunked to.

I havent done anything wrong but it seems that the fish gods a punishing me? Im starting to loose my confidence.

I cant satisfy my addiction without catching a steelie at a minimum of once a week. Im starting to go nutts and if this dosent end soon I dont know what will happen.

Does anyone know if there are support groups for people with my problem?
Posted by: banki

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 01:08 AM

I am kind of in the same boat as you, I have been skunked the last 5 times i have gone fishing. Its making me want to fish everydaylight hour now to get the pleasure of hooking into a steelie and ending my slump. this rain might help out yours and my slump.
Posted by: Ryan Sedy

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 01:42 AM

Hey dont feel bad i know a guy who has went out this whole year and has only caught two little trout, I think he gives me bad luck. i try and help this guy out as much as i can but it seems like it doesnt help like hes fisherman incompitant, i dont know? actually come to think of it this guy has never hooked into a salmon or steely. At least he trys i guess. One of my goals is to get him to hook into a winterun, maybe he just needs that first fish.

Ryan Sedy
Posted by: DrifterWA

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 03:52 AM

Been there, done that!!!!......Forget the steelhead, go for salmon.......most rivers in the state its a "little early" for "good" winter run steelheading.

A 14+ silver this time of the year can be a nice, nice fish.....and a way to break the string of "bad luck"

"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"
Posted by: The Moderator

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 11:40 AM

Don't get too discouraged over your slump - that is to be expected around this time of year, especially with old summer runs.

Think about it. You're fishing for fish that have been in the river a really long time. The fish that are still left, are going to be fairly smart and very hook shy. Think of how many gear presentations have swung past them. Also, these fish are getting old, tired, and just want to spawn. Toss in to that the simple fact that the rivers are getting very cold now. Cold rivers = sluggish fish.

You're not off the hook, though! Once the winter brats come in, you no longer have these excuses! You're OK for the next week or two! After that, I can't help you

Posted by: RichH

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 06:47 PM

At least you're getting out. All my fishing these days is being done vicariously through this chat room..Hopefully by the time the winter fish are in I'll have less work and more fishing. Keep on trying.

Posted by: bank walker

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/28/00 10:25 PM

Yup, there is nothing worse than being in a huge slump, and there is nuthing better than hooking a fish to end it. Confidence is everything, and its definetly something im lacking right now. I havent hooked a fish since Oct. 30th! Im starting to worry. lol
Nothing like a chrome winter hatchery fish to end the streak.

Here's hoping

- BW
Posted by: Humpy

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/29/00 01:06 AM

My take on this subject is that if you talk to any serious steelheader, they will probably be able to tell you about the wall. Just when you think you got the skills to take fish on a regular basis, the bottom falls out. It's likely that this period is the fish God's way of giving you an easy out, certainly if one continues to practice the sport at that point, they are in for the long haul. Try to pay mind to what others are scoring fish on and get lots of P.M.A.(positive mental attitude)
Posted by: Coho

Re: Worst Slump Ever - 11/29/00 11:54 AM

My advice is make a cast and pay NO attention to it. Set your pole down and start tying hooks or looking through your buddies tackle box. Start counting the trees, watch the little dippers. Pay No attention to the cast you just made. A fish will surely strike. Now getting that hook set, well I got you partially out of the slump. "The Slump" is like a golfer that --do I dare say it with the "Shanks"