POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs?

Posted by: Anonymous

POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 06:57 AM

Some guys were debating the effectiveness of pink worms versus jigs on another OP board. It gave me the idea of an opinion reply poll comparing effectiveness of different rigs for the majority of fishers; as opposed to specialists. Hopefully it will be particularly interesting for you begginers to learn from experienced guys that fish with all 3 things. ... For any steelheading novices with an upcoming trip that would like to know the answers ahead of whatever posts that may be shared here, send me your e-mail addy and I'll give you the answers before the poll is finished. ~~~

Do you experienced guys catch more steelhead on:

- Bait (eggs or shrimp; or corkies and yarn where bait is banned)

- Rubber worms (pink being the 'go to' color; sometimes with a little white stuff added)


- Jigs (pink and white often being the 'go to' colors)?

I hope this will be a revealing and interesting thread for you people.

Posted by: Fishaddict

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 08:43 AM

For the choices you asked for I always do good on jigs. My favorite steelhead lure is a corkie with a plastic grub instead of yarn. However, when the steelies are agressive you can't beat a #4 Blue Fox spinner, red or blue
Posted by: fishhead5

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 09:24 AM

RT, 90% of all my fish are caught on eggs. But, that what I use 90% of the time.

Posted by: Eric

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:48 AM

98% on eggs....1% on sandshrimp....1% on plugs Year around!
Posted by: STRIKE ZONE

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:54 AM

1)Rags & Sand Shrimp
Good luck,
Posted by: Jellyhead

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 11:03 AM

I've gotten 90% on egggs, 5% on jigs, and the other five % is split between spinners, spoons, and plugs. Still a worm virign.

Posted by: baitslinger

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 11:27 AM

Steelhead-80% shrimp and 20% hardware
Salmon 50% eggs and 50% hardware
Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 11:40 AM

99% of the fish are caught on what you fish with 99% of the time.
Posted by: TH

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 11:52 AM

I agree w. Dave Jackson, my dad has never caught a steelie on a jig.. but then again he fishes eggs 90% of the time, with an occasion sand shrimo and red tadpolly now and then.

I get bored, I like to float a jig w/ worm, or throw the conehead at them, I like the way the hammer those worms. But my #1 go to, sure thing rod is always my egg rod. "feed'em"


Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 12:12 PM

I will try and break this down a bit further based just on my personal observations. I have found success with both nates and hatchery fish on bait. Mostly nates on the pink worm and mostly hatchery fish on jigs. If I am on the bank I usually start with bait and move over to either jigs or worms if we are not getting any cooperation. If I am in a drift boat, I will usually start with either a worm (on the OP) or a jig (not OP) and occasionally switch over to bait/corkies/yarn if we find a nice drift to anchor up in. If I am in a sled I like to start boon doggin eggs/corkies/yarn and then switch over to jigs/worms. Over all in the big picture I'd break it down to 50% bait/corkies/yarn, 30% jigs and 20% worms.
Posted by: Crayfin

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 12:55 PM

I think this goes back to the saying "you can use whatever color you want as long as it is pink" coined by William the Impaler.

I agree with DJ on you catch them with what you use-I like to catch them on just about everything, so I would have to say they ALL work great! Got 3 Nates on Sunday w/a pink worm and 2 on a pink and white jig wink I have never float fished the pink worm though and I think I might have to give that a try! Shrimp/eggs and a bobber......catches alot of hatchery fin for me!

Posted by: willierower

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 01:16 PM

Most of my steelhead are caught using bait. Eggs account for most of the fish. Corkie and yarn with scent is my second best producer. Sandshrimp is my 3rd best produce, even though I havent touched a fish this year with a shrimp. I do get a few fish every year on jigs, I would probally get more if I used them more often.
Posted by: Double Haul

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 02:04 PM

Flies :p
Posted by: Kid Sauk

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 03:38 PM

I throw pink worms and if that doesn't work I throw pink worms. Still no hookups on the pink worms I throw pink worms. Jig head, drift fished, straight up below a float, and you can use any color of pink worm you want just as long as it's pink wink laugh

Worms, Tadpollies, spoons, corky and yarn. Have some faith, RT. We don't need no stinkin' bait laugh It would help out a lot though. Bait bans suck, but if it is indeed best for keeping hook mortality down on nates so be it. smile
Posted by: 4Salt

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 04:36 PM

Drifting from the bank: Corkies & yarn with some scent. I don't use eggs for steelhead because I don't kill many fish. Plus, I seem to do alright without them.

Nates: I'll use jigs, pink worms, aeroflies, spoons, and spinners when gear fishing. Last several years though, I've gotten more into flyfishing for them.

From a driftboat: Metallic tads or warts 1/2 the time, all of the above mentioned the other 1/2.
Posted by: smily

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 05:00 PM

Hi RT,

I use Sandshrimp that seems to give me the most luck. I know guys who will also out fish me using there eggs. They have there own zipper lip cure of course. I have gotten a couple of them on spinners and plugs and one on eggs. But the Jigs and pink worms haven't done me any good. Sometimes it's a little frustrating to try new things they don't produce. I think it has to do with my presentation with them.

smile Smily smile
Posted by: Krome Brite

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 05:21 PM

I'm certainly not experienced, but I would definitely have to go with the PINK WORM! I've fished eggs for a long time (and caught fish with them), but then last year RT and some other board members inspired me to try the worm and it's been working really good for me ever since. Better than the eggs ever did. As far as the jigs go, I really haven't given them a good try yet as I still don't have an adequate rod (still working on getting that). Not only that, I've just gotten so crazed over 'the worm' lately. BUT, I've been collecting jigs here and there from the local shops and most recently from First Cast Jigs. So, I'm hoping maybe this summer, or better yet late next fall/early winter, I'll hook up with one of these jigs. I'll be sure to let y'all know when I do.

Krome Brite
The Pink Worm Convert

Posted by: JacobF

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 05:32 PM

90+% on jigs. I fish that method more than any other. I kind of get annoyed since last year I bought a light weight Loomis drift rod and I have yet to catch a fish on it. I'll drift fish for a while and not get a bite then I'll throw a jig for a while and catch a fish.
Posted by: RichH

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 07:32 PM

Depends on the hole and such but my first choice is eggs followed by pink worms followed by jigs followed by plugs. When floating we do tend to plug a lot and stop at the better holes and cream them off with all of the above in the order I described.
Posted by: pimpinshrimp

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 09:37 PM

steelhead: Bait
salmon: spoons and spinners
Posted by: thefishnfool

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 09:46 PM

I would have to agree that the number 1 offering of choice for any water condition and time of the year would have to be a SMALL cluster of eggs. And a really close second and probably more effective on nates is a 2/5 oz. hammered brass mor-tac spoon. Next for nates would be the pink worm drift fished or under a bobber.
Posted by: FishinSinsation

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 09:59 PM

everyones talking about "drift rods" "Jigs rods" whats the difference?
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:03 PM

I've found nates to be more than willing to take just a plain ol' 1/8 oz. marabou jig. I always have worms and bait along as part of the arsenal, but I rarely feel the need to switch from the float-n-jig.
Posted by: Robert Allen3

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:40 PM

90% flies
5% yarn drift rigs
5% spoons and plugs
Posted by: First Bite

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:52 PM

By far most of my fish are caught using a combination of a white feather jig with a 3" section of pink worm threaded onto the jig. Plain jigs are next in line with straight bait bringing up the rear.

Posted by: Fish'n Magician

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:55 PM

All of the above.... Just depends on the time of year, water conditions , boat or bank fishing, etc.. I would say that there was bait around before all the other stuff, and all the other stuff is meant to imitate bait, so which came first.....the chicken or the egg laugh confused laugh ??????
Posted by: T-bone

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 10:56 PM

Sand shrimp have always worked best for me followed by eggs and then just a plain old corkey and yarn. Have caught a few on spinners as well. Can't say as that I've had much luck on the pink worm yet.
Posted by: Jigman

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/02/02 11:56 PM

The bulk of my fish are caught on jigs, either tipped with bait or without bait. I've found that sometimes the fish prefer the jig without bait and sometimes with bait. The remainder of my fish are caught on pink worms, bait, plugs and spinners in that order. I bank fish 95% of the time even though I own a drift boat because I prefer half days on the water and I love to get out and hike the river.
Posted by: tommo41

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 12:01 AM

I seem to be in the minority here.

Where I fish I outfish most people using dark red cured shrimp under a bobber.

I fish a few Eastside rivers with these shrimp and do just fine.

Posted by: AkKings

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 12:13 AM

1) Corky & yarn with a couple drops of shrimp oil
2) Corky & tiger prawn
3) Prawn/shrimp under a float
4) Eggs
5) plugs
Posted by: centerpin

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 12:18 AM

3.Yarn,corkes,arofly,to float bait and add colour
I have caught fish on jigs, soft plastics and flies.
smile smile I like fresh bait BEST. smile smile
Posted by: Flasher

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 01:52 AM

since I've tried just about everything. I'll let you know when I finally catch my first steelhead.

just my luck I guess.
See ya on the river!
Posted by: Steelheadman

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 03:31 AM

Bait used with yarn, orange then pink, red, yellow, green, white, multi-colored rags work in heavy flows
1. Sandshrimp, fresh, cured falls off
2. Eggs, boraxed work better than other cures for me
3. Crawdad tail meat, fresh, a summer bait
4. Summerun eggs with crawdad meat sandwich
5. Prawns, cooked work better than uncooked
No yarn
6. Nightcrawlers
7. Plugs with scent
No sucess with the following even though I carry them and use them sometimes
8. Pink worm
9. Jigs (have tried with shrimp or prawn)
10. Spinners
11. Spoons
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 12:59 PM

BAIT, any other questions!!!!
Keith laugh
Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 01:49 PM


I'm a Milwaukie cracker, too. If I can do it, anyone can. Between the Clack and the Sandy we've got two good rivers to fish.
Posted by: Wes

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 03:55 PM

Yes, you catch fish with what you are using. However, I believe RIVER CONDITIONS dictate what you use. Last year, when water was low, slow and clear, I used jigs with shrimp tails under a bobber with good success. This year, with higher conditions, more flow and color, drift fishing with eggs or shrimp.

I bring two rods and use bait or bobber/jig depending on the stretch of river in front of me. Sometimes pink worm and spinners for pocket water. Good fishing, Wes.
Posted by: Todd

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 07:19 PM

Winter runs:
hatchery: 90% on eggs, 5% on jigs, 5% on worms
natives: plugs 50%, corkies 25%, hardware 10%, worms 5%, jigs 5%, flies 5%

Summer runs:
hatchery and native: 50% on eggs, 50% on hardware, random fish or two on flies.

Those numbers pretty much reflect how much I use each method, so I'm pretty sure how you use your gear is much more important than what you use, so long as you are using something that is suitable for the type of fish and conditions you are faced with.

Fish on...

Posted by: Chuckn'Duck

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/03/02 10:45 PM

You can only catch fish in a traditional manner. Heron spey hackle, seal or polar bear dubbing swing the fly on a greased line. No other method is acceptable. But, some led eyes and a Powerbait wiggle tail under an "indicator" sometimes helps!!! :p :p
Posted by: Wild Chrome

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/04/02 12:18 AM

I've never fished bait for steelhead. I've thrown eggs and shrimp for salmon, but I prefer the ease, versitility and speed of lures. I'd have to rate jigs ahead of pink worms. I've had a few large fish take a jig after refusing the worm. I think spinners are unbeatable for summer-runs and flies are effective if conditions are right.
Posted by: superfly

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/04/02 01:43 AM

Straight up bait mother****ers, 200 plus steelhead to the boat this year can't be wrong!!
Nothin like a chunk of uncle Joe's eggs
Peace Superfly laugh laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: POLL: Which do you catch more steelhead on - bait, pink worms, or jigs? - 04/04/02 03:56 AM

You're having a good year Uncle Joe bro! .. I've used 'Fly's eggs and they are both pretty and effective - laying them apart on layers of paper towels in a large tuperware container.

The one thing that stands out as correct and obvious here is that what you are most confident in and use most of the time is going to be what you catch most of your fish with. But I had more in mind to compare the overall effectiveness of the 3 items listed, on a 'hookup rate per amount of time used' type of thing. So, for me, this is my observations. ~~~

For fishing steelhead in typical average water conditions:
- average color, between clear and milky green
- average levels and temperatures
- combining both hatchery and native fish success

Given that criteria, I would rate them as follows:
1st - bait
2nd - pink worms
3rd - jigs

Given murky water, the bait has an even bigger advantage. Given low clear water, the 1/8 oz. jigs come into their own. But I am finding different ways to present pink to bright methiolate colored rubber worms, on both jighead hooks and conventional rigging and with some good scent added, that they often rival or outfish bait in a variety of water conditions; but particularly when the water is on the clearish side.

Hard things:
1st - plugs
2nd - plastics (oakies, Spin N Glo, corkies, etc.)
3nd - spinners
4rd - spoons
5th - steelie flies ~~~

If you get the time and are inclined, post your opinions within this above comparo scenerio.