Cue the kittens...

Posted by: Todd

Cue the kittens... - 08/08/14 12:08 PM

...who were Hawks last week.

A couple of bombs dropped on ISIS in Iraq and the whiny bitches in Congress who were lambasting Obama for not bombing them before are scrambling to figure out how to lambast him for doing such a mean thing to those nice freedom fighters now.

No worries...they'll just say exactly the opposite of what they said last week and their clownish voting base will follow behind blindly yelling about Benghazi and carrying signs full of spelling and grammar errors.


Fish on...

Posted by: Jerry Garcia

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/08/14 01:35 PM

Bomb them.
Posted by: Todd

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/08/14 02:19 PM

I'm beginning to think that your act where you pretend to be stupid isn't really an act, Hank.

Fish on...

Posted by: blackmouth

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/08/14 08:58 PM

When playing cards you must play the hand that you have been dealt, and it is a piss poor hand that you are playing, Todd.
Posted by: On The Swing

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/10/14 09:33 AM

What hank, can't come up with a witty remark to the topic of the thread? Instead you just have to make up a dig (lame one at that) on modtodd? Come on bud that ain't hard to do. I was surprised that you couldn't/wouldn't comment of the recent bombings, but then again there is a lot about a lot of ya that surprise me..They are finally taking a step in the right direction..tho I'm worried about what's on the horizon. ..
Posted by: Todd

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/10/14 03:44 PM

Don't worry,'s the way the right wing clowns here always react.

When I mentioned the "clownish voting base" who doesn't care that their representatives say one thing on Tuesday, and when Obama does it on Thursday complain on Friday, these are the clowns I was talking about.

Hank's forte is ignoring not only the topic, but the facts.

The Rev thinks his pithy one liners are some sort of repartee, but they are just indicative of his simple mind and simple won't see him actually engage on the topic, either, because that might require utilizing reality...and reality has been confirmed to have a rather liberal slant.

Fish on...

Posted by: blackmouth

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/10/14 05:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Todd

The Rev thinks his pithy one liners are some sort of repartee, but they are just indicative of his simple mind and simple won't see him actually engage on the topic, either, because that might require utilizing reality...and reality has been confirmed to have a rather liberal slant.

I have engaged 'on topic' with you and some of the other liberals on this board on numerous occasions, (and you know that to be a fact). But I have found my efforts to be fruitless as you and most liberals are not normally reasonable. I think the the bold yellow part of your quote is an illustrative example.

P.S. Thanks for the compliment.
Posted by: Todd

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/10/14 06:04 PM

They don't call people like me the "reality based crowd" for nothing. Refer to Hank's insistence on voting GOP "For the Economy", and your likely agreement with him, as how easily les astray from facts and logic right wing sheeple are.

Tell me how you think about the actual topic here, while you're at it...same clowns that whine that Obama isn't doing anything with ISIS turning around and whining the next day when he does...if you have a problem with me pointing that out than you must agree with their hypocrisy, and I suspect that is exactly where you like to be.

Fish on...

Posted by: blackmouth

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/10/14 07:15 PM

I'm thinking that Tood may be trapped in a time, reality, warp, continuum.
Posted by: willametteriveroutlaw

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/11/14 11:15 AM

Originally Posted By: Todd

Tell me how you think about the actual topic here, while you're at it...same clowns that whine that Obama isn't doing anything with ISIS turning around and whining the next day when he does...if you have a problem with me pointing that out than you must agree with their hypocrisy, and I suspect that is exactly where you like to be.


This is a no win situation for Obama, he'd be better off if the whole world didn't think he was a pussy.

I don't know the answer to this problem, I'm not fan of war, but these fukkers are nuts and the atrocities that they are carrying out are Nazi esk. Murdering thousands of people. The scary thing is that if they connect with HAMAS, WW3 will start.

Whats your thoughts Todd the Mod?
Posted by: wntrrn

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/11/14 12:45 PM

All the national and international stuff is just getting in his way of being a rock star.

With less than four months to go until Election Day, Democrats increasingly have no confidence in the Obama White House’s political instincts. As a result, more and more Democratic candidates are avoiding the president when he comes to their neighborhood. Senator Mark Udall famously avoided showing up with Obama at a fundraiser in the senator’s honor in Colorado last week. John Foust, the Democratic congressional candidate in a suburban Virginia district just outside Washington, D.C., snubbed the president this week by failing to show up for a presidential event in his area.

Representative Henry Cuellar of Texas was flabbergasted by Obama’s petulant refusal to visit the Texas border last week, calling him “aloof” and “detached” and his decision “bizarre.”

The Virginia Progress PAC, a Democratic committee supporting Senator Mark Warner, issued a list of talking points for potential donors that laid out the challenge the Obama albatross represents for Democrats this fall: “The 2014 midterm elections are shaping up to be similar to the wave elections of 1994 and 2010, particularly with an unpopular President and an unpopular piece of major legislation that will serve as a referendum on the sitting President. . . . A difficult political climate coupled with the rising unpopularity of President Obama could affect the Democratic brand as a whole and hurt Senator Warner.”

Bob Beckel, a former Democratic campaign consultant, said on Fox News this week that he spoke with a Democrat “intimately involved in [Obama’s] campaigns, both of them.” The message was sobering: “He said you have to know what it’s like to get through [presidential counselor] Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama, and I think that’s a tough deal for anybody on a staff to do. . . . [Obama] lives in a zone that nobody else goes to.”

Indeed, Democrats are becoming increasingly vocal about their concern that their president is isolated and not connecting with the political reality around him. “The Democratic party is like a wedding party with the common goal of getting to the ceremony on time,” a former Democratic congressman told me. “There is a caravan of cars, but the lead car is driven by a guy who is weaving in and out of traffic and is dangerous to the other cars behind him. Do you follow the guy you agreed to follow, or do you make your own way to the wedding? More and more people are leaving the caravan.”

All of Washington is talking about our detached president — one who would go to two fundraisers in New York last night after a plane carrying 23 Americans was shot down over Ukraine. In 2012, Obama famously flew off to fundraisers in Las Vegas the day after the Benghazi attack killed our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

“Obama does not appear to relish being chief executive,” writes liberal journalist Edward Luce in the Financial Times. Luce notes that Obama has headlined 393 fundraisers since he took office, double the number that George W. Bush had attended at this point in his presidency. Veteran journalist Patrick Smith writes, “I can think of two names for this. One is ‘outmoded arrogance.’ The other is ‘asleep at the wheel.’ Whatever the moniker, some measure of incompetence lies behind it.”

Democrats are happy for the president to raise money, which he can still do by appealing to the fat cats in the party’s environmental, gay, and feminist bases. But they increasingly don’t want to appear with him in front of ordinary voters or follow his lead on policy. For example, more and more Democrats in swing districts or states are looking for a way to separate themselves from the Obama White House’s chaotic border policy. Much of the grumbling is private for now, but it is increasingly seeping into public discourse.

And the grumbling goes beyond politics. A disengaged, petulant president who gives the impression that someone else is minding the White House store isn’t good for the country.

One presidential historian says that if the president’s bizarre behavior deepens, people will start making jokes comparing Obama to President Woodrow Wilson, who was debilitated by illness during his last two years in office, with decisions increasingly made by his aides and his wife, Edith. “The comparisons of course wouldn’t be fair, but they don’t have to be to have elements of truth to them.”
Posted by: GutZ

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/11/14 08:50 PM

They can go to Hell, I am staying Atheist.

oh, wait.
Posted by: Direct-Drive

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/11/14 11:20 PM

Let the Euros chip in...which it seems they are.
You don't want a bunch of Christians to die on a mountaintop on your watch, so you'll have to kill some of this ISIS gang.

They will be vulnerable while trying to negotiate the open expanses of Iraq.
The radical Muslims are scheduled to burn.
Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/12/14 12:22 PM

". . . The radical Muslims are scheduled to burn."

Well, there's some good news.
Posted by: blackmouth

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/12/14 05:47 PM

"It is written."
Posted by: Tunacanner

Re: Cue the kittens... - 08/13/14 12:36 PM

Turn em into glass.