Does this not scare you?

Posted by: Anonymous

Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 06:54 AM

That the stock market can go up and does when it only has reasons to go down.

Does this type of manipulation and your slavery to it scare you?

It should scare you....

Does it bother you that you have no control?

That you are all pawns in a rigged game which is happening at your expense, you are gonna be the victims holding the empty bag in the end.

Does it bother you that you knew about this way ahead of time, like years but you were and still are too phucking dumb and enslaved to do anything about accept to wait for it to happen.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:35 AM

Of all the kooky things you say, Rich, this is the least kooky of them all. Your assessments on currency and the economy aren’t far-fetched and this is a problem. Fiat currency doesn’t stand the test of time. The dollar has been under attack by the bankers for most of the 20th century leading to the eventual removal of the gold standard. This is what allowed for the currency manipulation and inflation to occur on the backs of the middle class and the poor who have been the most negatively affected by this. Regarding the stock market, look how quickly it has rebounded (over 26k today) with massive unemployment and massive civil unrest? It doesn’t add up.

I challenge anyone who posts in this thread to a good old fashioned debate. Challenge what is being said if you disagree. Don’t call Rich the buffoon that he may be... provide facts and information that could show he is wrong. No personal attacks. If you can’t engage in this debate without a personal attack then sit this one out.
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:40 AM

Those are just the underpinnings of unfettered capitalism, it requires constant and infinite growth in a world that is not infinite. It is a giant house of cards, and always has been.

Manipulation of money, markets, and labor always has been and always will be the game.

You would think that the crashes that expose this folly would cause it to be re-examined by people, but they just keep printing money and giving it to those who are running the game...and the very people being exploited seem to like it.

Fish on...

Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:48 AM

As I’ve said before, you can’t blame capitalism for this (as much as we all know you want to) because a system where big business is sheltered from failures through bailouts and not allowed to fail is not capitalism. Capitalism would allow for big business to fail when they are failing and not be given big dollar bailouts. What we have is corporatism, not capitalism. Central banking and an unregulated out of control federal reserve with the non-stop printing press doesn’t help, either.
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:54 AM

You and RICH are the ones making the statement, Steamer - you should be the ones bringing the facts, not asking for them.

Do you not know how a debate works? It isn't making a bunch of vague statements about a "rigged game" and then expecting a bystander to refute your vague statements with facts.

The fact is RICH has been predicting a system crash for over 20 years and yet here we are. Remember the gold backed Yuan and how it was going to sink the dollar?

You guys are just chicken littles with your "rigged system" and "fiat currency" gibberish. My evidence is the fact that I still hand over fiat currency daily and receive goods and services in exchange for it. Where's your evidence?
Posted by: Jason Beezuz

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 08:12 AM

Originally Posted By: Dan S.
You and RICH are the ones making the statement, Steamer - you should be the ones bringing the facts, not asking for them.

Do you not know how a debate works? It isn't making a bunch of vague statements about a "rigged game" and then expecting a bystander to refute your vague statements with facts.

LOL. So true. When did we get to this world where people believe and say whatever they want and it is up to the others to disprove it? It should matter to us what is real and what isn’t, but it doesn’t anymore.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:00 AM

Originally Posted By: Dan S.
You and RICH are the ones making the statement, Steamer - you should be the ones bringing the facts, not asking for them.

You guys are just chicken littles with your "rigged system" and "fiat currency" gibberish. My evidence is the fact that I still hand over fiat currency daily and receive goods and services in exchange for it. Where's your evidence?

You are correct that I’ve made my claims and haven’t shown direct evidence yet, but I also have made largely broad statements. What specifically do you want to see evidence of regarding my claims? That dollar de-valuation is occurring? Do you deny that this is happening? Of course it still works because it is the system we have but that could likely change.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:01 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
I see many parallels in Rich and Streamer.

That’s great. Anything else that is profound to contribute?
Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:39 AM

Naw, it doesn't scare me. My life has only a limited dependence on the stock market, so it's direct effects on me are limited. The movers and shakers on Wall Street are the dominant influence in national, if not global, finance, and they certainly have a chokehold on the federal government. The key to change is guillotines on Wall Street and the Capitol Mall, but that ain't a happenin' thing. And since all you bastards won't join me in the Revolution, that's just the way it's gonna' be.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:47 AM

Originally Posted By: Streamer
Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
I see many parallels in Rich and Streamer.

That’s great. Anything else that is profound to contribute?

He's upset that his mommy is making him pick up his toys before he can go fishing.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:17 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk

I got a kick out of your recent comment about the hiring process for police officers being broken, you arguing with your interviewer during your interview and how unfair it is that someone you deem less qualified for the job was hired instead of you. The lack of introspection on your part reminded me of Rich and in some ways Evo.

Apparently your reading comprehension seems to be lacking. I stood my ground with being honest about my history. How is that arguing? I passed the oral board interview, I passed the background interview, I scored high on the written exam and in the physical test. My experience simply demonstrates flaws that occur within the system, and I hope my experience was an outlier.

Drawing a false parallel demonstrates a disconnect or inability on your end. Your trolling is subpar, Jake. I expressed interest in a healthy debate regarding a topic that should be discussed. You contribute with false parallels and personal attacks. You clearly demonstrate your level of intellect.
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Streamer
As I’ve said before, you can’t blame capitalism for this (as much as we all know you want to) because a system where big business is sheltered from failures through bailouts and not allowed to fail is not capitalism. Capitalism would allow for big business to fail when they are failing and not be given big dollar bailouts. What we have is corporatism, not capitalism. Central banking and an unregulated out of control federal reserve with the non-stop printing press doesn’t help, either.

I agree that what we have is more akin to Corporatism, but it doesn't change the fact that the infinite growth in a finite world required by Capitalism is why we end up with have to manipulate and rig it, or it will collapse.

Not enough actual growth to sustain the house of cards? Make paper growth...just fuckin print it and hand it out to your corporate masters.

The fact that it is abundantly clear that the only way to insure that the entire thing will implode is concentrating wealth in fewer and fewer, and that we have still decided to go that route, requires it.

Fish on...

Posted by: Illahee

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:18 AM

Repeal the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:25 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
My trolling sucks, but you swallowed the bait.

Congrats? You seem more worked up than me.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:38 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Hey Spoon, Cowboys butts, drive me nuts. Figured I would let you know.

Cool story bro.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:39 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Originally Posted By: Streamer
I stood my ground with being honest about my history. How is that arguing?

Just going by what you said dude.

Originally Posted By: Streamer
My interview was several hours long after they spent 45 minutes arguing with me..... They hired 4 other people.

You just reiterated my point. I said I had never smoked pot in my life (true statement at that point). They argued with me over something they couldn’t prove to be untrue. I ultimately passed the interview regardless when they could have failed me.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:44 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Steamer G.

Getting pretty worked up, eh?
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:50 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Originally Posted By: SpoonFed

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Hey Spoon, Cowboys butts, drive me nuts. Figured I would let you know.

Cool story bro.

Your Mom’s assless chaps are a sight to behold.

She calls me, specifically my face, her saddle.

You left out the part where she bounces her nuts off your forehead.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 10:50 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
I always thought passing an interview involves getting the job.

Arguing requires at least 2 people, one on each side of the argument.

Unless you’re actually Rich, who surely talks to and argues with himself.

That isn’t how the LE hiring process works. They give pass/fail to oral board interviews and background interviews.

I made one true statement that they took issue with. I asked them if they wanted me to hold my ground being truthful or lie to them and say I did something I never did. If that constitutes me being argumentative then go ahead and interpret it that way.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:00 AM

The story hasn’t changed. What are you trying to prove, exactly? You seem to be struggling.
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:28 AM

if no one will hire me, then why do friends that own companies keep calling me for help?

still havent learned to just mind your own business have you?

and you clearly arent listening as usual.. obviuosly the people in Streamers case didnt believe that he had never smoked before, because in this day in age most people have..

that doesnt have anything to do with how good or not he would be as a cop...

id rather have a cop that tells the truth, then one that lies to get the job... because if they lied about that, what else are they going to lie about in the future?
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:33 AM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
Well it started with me laughing about your original post regarding your inability to get hired as a cop, your blind arrogance and lack of understanding regarding the reason you didn’t get hired. You think you’re a victim of the hiring process when really it was your own doing. I’d bet the guys that got hired tested similarly or even lower than you and they were able to keep their cool during the interview.... “Hired! Give this man a gun!”

If you can’t refrain from arguing during the hiring process, how could anyone expect you to do so during a tense interaction with any number of people you’d encounter while on patrol?

I’m not trying to prove anything but it is clear that you share many traits with Rich and Evo. Rich was kicked out of the force by no fault of his own and if Evo ever applied for a job his post interview summary would read much like yours. He also wouldn’t have gotten the job.

Basically it’s a bad idea to share too much personal detail at all on the darkside. Think of Rich’s mushroom mistake and Evo’s trailer park sagas or Evo telling us that he talks about me while showering with his lady. A good darksider will glom onto that nugget and never let go, saving it to use against you whenever necessary, appropriate or preferably not. This is a case in point, I’ve been waiting to bust this out since you posted it. Nothing personal just accurate [Bleeeeep!] talk.

Cool story brah.
J.F.C. Obsess much?
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:36 AM

pretty sure plumbing, framing, and lanscaping arent moving...
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:39 AM

so are the guys i know doing peacework, not really employed?

do you even know what peacework is?
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:42 AM

Do you?

Fish on...

Posted by: Dan S.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:44 AM

Peace work?

Like for the Peace Corps?
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:44 AM

yeah, its when someone says "i need this job done in 2 weeks, i will pay you 4500 to do it"...

and you can milk it out, and take the 2 weeks to do it, but you wont get paid any more, because you have a set salary, or, you can bang it out in 5 days, and go on to other things...

technically increasing your pay..

gotta be good at what you do tho, otherwise people like me have to come in and fix it, which i have done many many times...
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:46 AM

piece work, my bad, selpellleddd wrohng...
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:52 AM

no it indicates i made a mistake...

kinda like people with their and there, and your and you're..
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:53 AM

So now that we have established that it's "piece work" you do...I'm assuming all of these great jobs give you 1099s and you pay your taxes, right, like a good American?


Fish on...

Posted by: DBS

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:56 AM

Originally Posted By: Evo
if no one will hire me, then why do friends that own companies keep calling me for help?

The real questions are, why haven't you accepted one of those jobs they keep offering? And why do you choose to be a deadbeat loser instead?
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:56 AM

wtf are you talking about?

i dont work, i get foodstamps and money from the government...
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:57 AM

Originally Posted By: Todd
So now that we have established that it's "piece work" you do...I'm assuming all of these great jobs give you 1099s and you pay your taxes, right, like a good American?


Fish on...


Don't answer that, you shouldn't implicate yourself in federal and state crimes on a public board.

Fish on...

Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 11:59 AM

If what you are saying is true, Jake, then it doesn’t offer an explanation as to why I ultimately passed the interview. I wasn’t argumentative at all during the process... just stuck to my guns in a polite and respectful way. You are dismissive of the idea that the process could be flawed.

Perhaps you should focus on yourself a bit more instead of being so concerned with what other people do. I at least have a job and some degree of success. Not sure if that can be said for you. Don’t try to organize or criticize the world when your own room is a mess.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:02 PM

Posted by: DBS

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Streamer

Perhaps you should focus on yourself a bit more instead of being so concerned with what other people do.

Dude. You posted your own story, on an Internet message board, about the hiring process you fumbled. You created the focus yourself. lol.
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:05 PM

he fumbled by telling the truth?

people like you are why bad cops are cops.. and we are in the situation we are in today....
Posted by: DBS

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Evo

people like you are why bad cops are cops.. and we are in the situation we are in today....

lol. I haven't even spoken to a cop in probably 20 years...the last time I got caught for speeding in the Sultan speed trap.

Yeah, like I have any effect on cops. You sure are a stupid feller, aren't you.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Streamer
If what you are saying is true, Jake, then it doesn’t offer an explanation as to why I ultimately passed the interview. I wasn’t argumentative at all during the process... just stuck to my guns in a polite and respectful way. You are dismissive of the idea that the process could be flawed.

Perhaps you should focus on yourself a bit more instead of being so concerned with what other people do. I at least have a job and some degree of success. Not sure if that can be said for you. Don’t try to organize or criticize the world when your own room is a mess.

Somebody pass jake the burn cream.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:17 PM

Originally Posted By: DBS
Originally Posted By: Evo

people like you are why bad cops are cops.. and we are in the situation we are in today....

lol. I haven't even spoken to a cop in probably 20 years...the last time I got caught for speeding in the Sultan speed trap.

Yeah, like I have any effect on cops. You sure are a stupid feller, aren't you.

They don't let you drive anymore, or what?
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:48 PM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
You’re grasping at straws Matt. The one time we fished together I found you to be an arrogant douche. Seems that first impressions are important after all.

I see to recall the experience a little differently. We shared some good laughs with our mutual friend, covered a lot of water, I caught a couple of fish, you got baked on the shore half the time and we all had a decent day and agreed to do it again.

You seem a little upset with me for digging yourself into this hole. It’s easier to make stab at someone’s character vs actually having a discussion with them, isn’t it?

It’s been pointed out in the past in this board that you are a cool dude in person... but for some reason the internet brings out the worst in you... not really sure what that’s about.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:53 PM

That we can agree on... rofl
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 12:58 PM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk

Streamer probably works the Wal-Mart security shifts that Evo doesn’t want (all of them).

Okay... couldn’t hold back the laughs on that one rofl
Posted by: WDFW X 1 = 0

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 01:35 PM

The reach around here is complete,
Anti climatic,

I enjoy the arguing better.

The saddle comment was epic.
A$$less chaps are the bomb.
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 02:47 PM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
You said you guys argued for 45 minutes.

You can change your story, it’s cool.

That's funny... rofl

Some good laughs in this thread, one of the better I've seen in some time....

Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 03:23 PM

I’m a fan of settling schit in the ring and having a beer afterward. Jake’s a pretty big dude and I’m also about 6’5... we will duke it out in the ring after the Evo vs Beezus matchup if someone can get that schit setup.
Posted by: SpoonFed

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:08 PM

That's cute fellas.

I got steamer in that one.
Posted by: NickD90

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:22 PM

WTF? I go fishin' and come back to some decent DS action. I'll have to read up on this one (or not).

BTW...fishin' was gooooood.....many hungry ding-a-lings. Groceries stacked in freezer = hell yes!
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:42 PM

Originally Posted By: Streamer
I’m a fan of settling schit in the ring and having a beer afterward. Jake’s a pretty big dude and I’m also about 6’5... we will duke it out in the ring after the Evo vs Beezus matchup if someone can get that schit setup.

Jake's a big dude, but he's a total pu$$y.

Probably be a pretty evenly matched fight rofl

Let's all be honest here,'s the Beezer/Fat Kid bout that we are all really looking forward to.

Fish on...

Posted by: WDFW X 1 = 0

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:45 PM

I'm guessing Reef has a strong grip to go with that JFM beard.

Dude spends long hours pulling on the wood.

Plugging his a$$ off.
Posted by: The Moderator

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Evo
gotta be good at what you do tho, otherwise people like me have to come in and fix it, which i have done many many times...

Evo is Mr. Wolf. He solves provblems.

Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
I suggest we include Todd vs Seastrike round 2 on this card.

No chest punching, ball gags or strap on dildos allowed Todd. This will be a fair fight.

Fortunately I think the 2.1 second "fight" we had the first time is all the bout you'll see between us.

Fish on...

Posted by: The Moderator

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 04:56 PM

I don't think Seastrike wants to take another shot to the chest.



Damn near killed 'em.

At least not from Pat.

God damn, that was a funny night.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:40 PM

Its not the stock market which is going to take people out, its the dollar itself, its usefulness as a "wealth transfer machine" is now over and the Central Bank needs to inflate it away, with it will go the pension system and most of the unfunded liabilities.

As a result of the dollar going down the stock market, bond market and real estate will revalue at a 90 to 95% reduction.

Precious metals will go up hundreds of times over in value, because that is where all the wealth is being transfer'd too. Why do you think China and Russia as well as all the banks and other countries have purchased massive amounts of gold and silver as well as mines over the past decade, why do you think the spot price has been held around the price to mine, meaning currently the value is nearly the same as it is to mine it.. Silver is actually at a 5,000 year low. Why do you think this is? The answer is easy,,, its the same reason all of a sudden there were two scrap jewelry buyers in every strip mall. All the gold and silver was being stripped from the public as well as being mined at rock bottom price with monoply money, at the same time the people of the world were being distracted with fake wealth and trinkits while they were actually "free range slaves" helping to mine the rulers gold.

Hedge funds and investment banks will go "poof" and be gone. Banks will only be able to lend what they have on deposit. But central bank owns it all now, they have all the paper on all the assets.

The only way you could protect yourself from this is to have invested most of your money into the proper assets.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:47 PM

Originally Posted By: WDFW X 1 = 0
I'm guessing Reef has a strong grip to go with that JFM beard.

Dude spends long hours pulling out his wood.

Plugging my a$$
WTF??? crazy
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 07:50 PM

Originally Posted By: RICH G
Its not the stock market which is going to take people out, its the dollar itself, its usefulness as a "wealth transfer machine" is now over and the Central Bank needs to inflate it away, with it will go the pension system and most of the unfunded liabilities.

As a result of the dollar going down the stock market, bond market and real estate will revalue at a 90 to 95% reduction.

Precious metals will go up hundreds of times over in value, because that is where all the wealth is being transfer'd too. Why do you think China and Russia as well as all the banks and other countries have purchased massive amounts of gold and silver as well as mines over the past decade, why do you think the spot price has been held around the price to mine, meaning currently the value is nearly the same as it is to mine it.. Silver is actually at a 5,000 year low. Why do you think this is? The answer is easy,,, its the same reason all of a sudden there were two scrap jewelry buyers in every strip mall. All the gold and silver was being stripped from the public as well as being mined at rock bottom price with monoply money, at the same time the people of the world were being distracted with fake wealth and trinkits while they were actually "free range slaves" helping to mine the rulers gold.

Hedge funds and investment banks will go "poof" and be gone. Banks will only be able to lend what they have on deposit. But central bank owns it all now, they have all the paper on all the assets.

The only way you could protect yourself from this is to have invested most of your money into the proper assets.
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Todd
Originally Posted By: Streamer
I’m a fan of settling schit in the ring and having a beer afterward. Jake’s a pretty big dude and I’m also about 6’5... we will duke it out in the ring after the Evo vs Beezus matchup if someone can get that schit setup.

Jake's a big dude, but he's a total pu$$y.

Probably be a pretty evenly matched fight rofl

Let's all be honest here,'s the Beezer/Fat Kid bout that we are all really looking forward to.

Fish on...


Dammmnnit Toff... rofl
Posted by: Streamer

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:17 PM

The stock market will always be protected... that is where upper class wealth lies... along with other physical assets and property. The dollar is where lower-middle class tends to hold its wealth... and are the ones who get fukkkked the most with inflation/de-valuation.
Posted by: NickD90

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/03/20 09:52 PM

I'm finally caught up on this thread. What where we talking about again?
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 07:08 AM

Originally Posted By: Streamer
The stock market will always be protected... that is where upper class wealth lies... along with other physical assets and property. The dollar is where lower-middle class tends to hold its wealth... and are the ones who get fukkkked the most with inflation/de-valuation.


And you get just the tiniest bite of both to make you think you are "one of them" you get fleeced.

Fish on...

Posted by: Dan S.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 07:19 AM

Hey look - more RICH G. doom and gloom chicken little gibberish about stuff he thinks he knows about.


What a fuckin Eeyore.

Waiting around your whole life for a catastrophe that never happens must be hard on a guy. Probably leads them to partake in all kinds of crazy sh!t like hunting Bigfeet and believing in gnomes.
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 07:22 AM

And now we have the undercard for the big bout!


My money is on Beezy and Jaek.

So far it looks like Beezy, Reef and Streamer are on the card and ready to go. Just gotta get that last participant to quit ducking and hiding.
Posted by: WDFW X 1 = 0

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 09:00 AM

Damn it's gonna be a good day.
Posted by: Todd

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 09:47 AM

I suspect the fat kid is busy doing "things". Valuable, dangerous things.

Fish on...

Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 09:48 AM

Wait - Evo has friends who own businesses? Like what? Is one of them the Pierce County Alliance for Deadbeats?

And these friends keep asking Evo for help? Haven't they learned by now that Evo is allergic to work? Why on earth would anyone ask Evo to do anything that involves work?

This thread is confusing in so many ways, and then Rich chimes in with another one of his global economic analyses. Superb theater!
Posted by: WDFW X 1 = 0

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 09:54 AM

I hope Evo is out chasing bucket mouths.
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 10:43 AM

Originally Posted By: WDFW X 1 = 0
I hope Evo is out chasing bucket mouths.

Probably learned of the CR Pikeminnow bounty.. Getting rich sitting on a bucket...

Posted by: DCC

Re: Does this not scare you? - 06/04/20 10:53 AM

Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: WDFW X 1 = 0
I hope Evo is out chasing bucket mouths.

Probably learned of the CR Pikeminnow bounty.. Getting rich sitting on a bucket...


Just d
on't ruin it for him by making it a job.