Be Positive 2

Posted by: Jerry Garcia

Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 07:20 PM

In light of the last couple of months of verbal wars and outright stiring the pot for some perverse pleasure, be warned that there will be a general cleanup of some threads when it is felt these threads become negative and bring down the quality of this board that Bob has worked so hard to bring it to this point. This could also include deletion of some peoples access. So think twice about what your going to post. moose
Posted by: Easy Limits

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 07:44 PM

Thanks for the friendly reminder Jerry. beer
Posted by: BratBonker

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 09:47 PM

It is about time.... I just joined in April and when I first got on I thought whoa war site or fishing site? Why can't we all just get along and talk about what we all WERE originally here for FISHING!! There are a select few who seem like they are just intent on putting people down.. not going to name names because it tould be World War 3. Try to
Posted by: larryb

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 09:52 PM

please do it
Posted by: BratBonker

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 09:56 PM

Sorry had to get off for a call. Anyways Try to keep it decent and friendly. Thanks laugh smile
Posted by: Born to fish

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/23/03 10:19 PM

I'm glad to see it happen. I was going to delete my bookmark and quit visiting the site because of all the bashing going on lately. I'm glad I decided to wait a little longer before deleting it. I know there are those that will whine about censorship and on and on, but I get tired of all the rude and inconsiderate comments. Thanks Jerry
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 01:00 AM

Thank you! I appreciate the work that goes on behind the scenes to make this a great site.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 01:09 AM

With all do respect, is eliminating driftboater going to solve the problems here.

I have followed his posts, especially over on the hunting page. He tells it like it is, its refreshing to read what he has wrote. There is no scatching the head and going what did he mean?
There are many more on this board that purposly instigate things and I see them still posting? whats up with that rolleyes
Posted by: Jerry Garcia

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 08:49 AM

No matter what you do , somebody thinks it's unfair. All we can do is try to strike a balance between Bob's vision for the board and the wishes of the majority of board members.
Posted by: Salmo g.

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 12:11 PM


Good idea. Folks sometimes don't behave as though they understand the BB is part of a web site that is Bob's property. Since content is the VALUE in a web site, it only makes sense that Bob, or his designated moderators, take actions to maintain the value. Some may not understand that freedom of speech does not apply when on other's private property. They should consider writing a letter to the editor or establishing their own web site.

I don't take issue with disagreements among BB members, whether it's about fishing or some other topic. Disagreement and debate are tools of growth and learning. Calling those who disagree with us idiots is a sure sign of lack of growth and learning, and it devalues the content of the BB. Not to mention that it violates the Golden Rule.

I enjoy this community and have learned a few things. I try to return the favor when I can.


Salmo g.
Posted by: posh II

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 12:52 PM

hello Salmo G
You said it right!
Posted by: cowlitzfisherman

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 01:31 PM

Hey Salmo

I hope that doesn't include the word "Turkey" too!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

PS; I know a few really "smart turkeys" who post on our board! laugh

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 02:53 PM


I understand there has to be a happy medium.

Like I said I have read many of his posts and replies and its straight forward and clear.

Salmo brought up something interesting, so I searched his member number on this page and the hunting page. Typed in keyword "Idiot" He only referenced it once, and the content as I understand it, was the other guy called himself an "idiot" not drifboater calling that.

This looks more like a lynch mob taking place and this guy is being made an example of. There should be many more dangling on the rope if you comparing apples to apples.
Posted by: eddie

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 03:07 PM

In regards to Driftboater, yeah he could be abrasive, but I'm not going to search his posts and make a qualitative analysis. Bob's board, Bob's decision. Just the way it is.
Posted by: Sky-Guy

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 05:01 PM

Great to hear.

Lets just use this thread as a reminder to remain kind to each other in our little world here.
Posted by: OntheColumbia

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 05:58 PM

A positive development 2 be sure (and long due), thanks!.
Posted by: Bob

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 07:10 PM

"What's up with that?"

Sometimes Feather, I go with gut feeling and from the repeated emails I've received from said ex-member since the ban, I'd pretty much say I was right.

Here's an excerpt from the first:

"I can continue to post if I want and I wil continue with the same persona as I do now. There are multiple IP adress I can use, so if you cut one I can just logg onto another. Pretty simple unless you shut down all registration.

Your move,,,,,,,"

I'd like to say my instincts proved correct again wink
Posted by: cowlitzfisherman

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 07:32 PM


That one would probably get my hair up too!

Posted by: Hoghunter

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/24/03 10:50 PM

Bob, trust your gut and you won't be wrong too often. It has served me well for many years. Having to make decisions always brings grief from one corner or another. When your "the really big one" someone will always take offense with what you do.
I'm sure you have more fun things you'd rather be doing than dealing with all this crap. Have a nice summer fishing.
Posted by: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Re: Be Positive 2 - 06/25/03 01:11 AM

Thanks for the site Bob! It's been so informative and definitely has brought me up a few steps on the ladder, thanks!

Posted by: Todd

Re: Be Positive 2 - 07/02/03 09:15 PM

Good news!

Maybe I'll start reading and posting was getting too predictable and juvenile there for a while.

Fish on...
