8 days of elk hunting

Posted by: stlhdr1

8 days of elk hunting - 09/07/13 11:47 AM

Leave today around 3pm. My necks been swollen for the last week...

Got my fingers crossed that this is the year to notch another tag! Pics as soon as one hits the ground!

Posted by: Dub

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/07/13 12:33 PM

Good luck!
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/07/13 11:34 PM

Have fun. Get in them.
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 12:07 AM

Extremely eventful vacation and hunts. Were in several bulls that were screaming and several close encounters!! Seemed like the wind was more manageable this year. We managed a cow and a 3x4 bull!

Grinding meat tomorrow!

Posted by: steeliedrew

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 12:26 AM

Sounds like a great weekend. Pics and stories?
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 11:43 AM

Starting with day 1, we hit a spot that year after year has produced bulls that were actively talking. After dropping into this spot in the first 20 minutes we had one going. With brandon drawing straws to shoot first, I worked the bull back and forth and Brandon closed the distance to about 27-28 yards and was starting to see bits and pieces of the bull. About that time I heard cow calls off to my left, which were people working their way up to our battle of bugles... How or why people would encroach on someone's call in still puzzles me. Their cow calls sounded horrible and at the angle they came from the bull winded them.

That evening we went to my 2nd favorite spot, we waited for the last hour and a half when the temps cooled and the wind started to draft down hill. We made our way up in and after the first cow call sequence we heard some branches breaking a the bull was on his way. I dropped in and scrambled to find a decent hide that still had some decent shooting lanes. It's one of the thicker areas that we hunt. Well by the time I settled in and ranged a couple spots I heard another branch snap and the bull appeared, I seen his antlers silloueted against some vine maples and he was coming quick. He entered the left lane and I pulled full draw, he was at about 26 yards. Right as I settled my mind for the shot he turned and looked straight up the hill at me and all I had was a chest shot so I held draw for about a minute and a half until I started to get the shakes and had to let down and he blew out still bugling at us. We backed out for a later hunt on him..

In the mix we worked a couple other bulls and got into groups of cows but couldn't manage shots in the thick stuff....

Moving to day 7, we worked an area close to home base and my brother in-law managed to arrow a young cow about 8am and we got that out and had it quarted and boned by noon. and that eve was when we made it back in to kill the bull...

We had worked back up into the area of the first encounter and got the answer again. As we moved in there were 3 other bulls answering withing 2-300 yards, it was apparent there was a hot cow in the area. As we worked this bull, he was hesitant to the bugles and would approach to the cow calls. Brandon finally was able to get within 30 and set up. I dropped back about 80 yards and ran around cow calling until I heard the shot. He made a perfect shot hitting the top heart and he ran about 30 yards...

Even with all the heat and the 85 degree days, I still think the elk were extremely active and very vocal. It was a great season!

Posted by: steeliedrew

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 01:59 PM

Man that sounds like a good time! Way to get it done and thanks for sharing.
Posted by: stlhdr42

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 06:18 PM

Nicely done!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 09/16/13 07:39 PM

Brown Down!
Posted by: STRIKE ZONE

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 11/01/13 03:30 PM

Nice.Good luck,
Posted by: Todd

Re: 8 days of elk hunting - 11/04/13 05:54 PM

Very cool.

Fish on...
