Treaty fishing rights

Posted by: ramprat

Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 04:52 AM

Does anyone but me smell something a little fishy about the indians treaty rights concerning what they can and can not do according to the original treatys that they supposedy abide by? Shell fishing? trading with foreign nations? (how about stripping hood canal chums of eggs to sell to japan and leaving dead fish to rot ?) look over the original treatys at and think about it? after we ban all the commercial nets this is our next target. I hope you see what I see (the fact that they only see what they want to see) comments?

[This message has been edited by ramprat (edited 05-07-99).]
Posted by: Aix sponsa

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 03:22 PM

It seems to me the wording is not that clear. What does in common with mean. To me It should mean the same rules for evryone?
The Foriegn nation clause seems to make enough sense. Same rules for everyone seems fair to me.
Posted by: joe

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 03:26 PM

The last post is not from jim, He was the last person to post from this computer, and I frogot to change it to my name
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 09:06 PM

yes somethings does smell like roten fish much like the ones I've seen in piles on beaches just roting, totaly wasted well exept the eggs that are probably in japan. the worst thing that most people don't realize is that it's not legal for them to do these things with the fish and game. the court system is just to chicken to stand up and fight it so they just keap backing up. what really makes me mad is the guy that has the big mouth and will cary on about how the Indians do this and don't do that. then on the way home from work will stop and spend all kinds of money on cigarets, firworks or a game of black jack. the way I see it is if you saport them then you might as well join them at the end of a short rope in a tall tree. that's just my apinion sorry if I steped on yer toes next time I will get yer entire foot. one more thing. the non-Indian that don't follow the rules like releasing wild fish might as well get a net and get really drunk and go fishing there ain't much difference a poacher is a poacher Indian or not.

Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 10:36 PM

Not to step on anyones feet, but in the not to distant future the indians will be raising and stocking the rivers with more fish than the state is doing. The way I hear it they already have more fish biologist than the state does. I'm not sticking up for the indians, just sheeding the light of things to come. Also unfortunatly we don't have any juristiction on there nets.It's up to them to police there selfs.Ban can,t touch indian nets. Sorry
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 10:38 PM

Not to step on anyones feet, but in the not to distant future the indians will be raising and stocking the rivers with more fish than the state is doing. The way I hear it they already have more fish biologist than the state does. I'm not sticking up for the indians, just sheeding the light of things to come. Also unfortunatly we don't have any juristiction on there nets.It's up to them to police there selfs.Ban can,t touch indian nets. Sorry
Posted by: Bob

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 11:15 PM

Directly, no, BAN won't touch them ... indirectly ... you bet!!

First off it is going to place an awful lot of political pressure on them ... in the light of all the media coverage of the decline of the salmon, if the the white commercials are halted ... they'll be the only ones left commercially harvesting fish ... they're going to look awfully bad to keep harvesting at anywhere close to the current levels ... this may take awhile, but you watch ... a lot more fish are going to return with the commercials out of the water ... while some areas will not see much of an increase, there will be many areas that see lots more fish make it back, and what are all the "habitat destruction" supporters going to say then???

Additionally, it is going to take the white "heavy harvest" mentality away and perhaps pave the road for new management objectives ... remember, we are suppossed to be co-managers ... without the commercials involved, they very well may be a restructuring of how many fish we want in the rivers ... in which case, if these goals are higher than currently set, then they get less ... period, again, remember that they only get half the harvestable fish.

As to the tribes doing more ... hah! perhaps they are on the east side, but not around here ... in fact, it was the Quillayute tribe that forced the guides' association to cut back Snider Creek plants from 100,000 to 50,000 ... that spells out l-e-s-s f-i-s-h i-n t-h-e r-i-v-e-r! Even if there are a few areas where "they are" ... they aren't ... it is government grants and state money paying for these "Tribal Efforts" ... still sounds like you and me doing it!

And I have to agree with dcrzfitter ... in my book, I will never spend a dime at a tribal enterprise of any sort until the nets come out ... period! No gambling, no smokes, no fireworks, no fish products ... notice the lack of La Push accommodations on my accommodations section ...
Posted by: Scaly

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/29/99 11:42 PM

But back to "Jim-Joe's" question on the meaning of "in common with."
That's what the Boldt Decision was all about, Joe. Judge Boldt made the (infamous) decision that the wording as designed when the treaties were signed meant 50-50, tribal and non-tribal.
And then he died...
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/30/99 09:30 AM

Bob, you are right. I am from the east side (unfortunatly) where the Yakamas are working with the state on differant programs. I have fished the o.p. when a net would go floating by in front of me. As for politicle clout I've I beleive they laugh at it. They do what they want. I still believe we might see them putting back to resource more than the whites. It's happening now on the Yakima river. There will always be an exception to every case. But I still can't fish for steelhead or salmon on the Yakima. I'm always hearing about budget cuts.(Reiter) will it ever stop?
Posted by: Bobber Down

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/30/99 02:26 PM

I actually am a non-native who use to work with the Tulalips at one time (1995-98) and I would have to say their pertty responsible when it comes to protecting watersheds and producing salmon. The Tulalip Bubble Fishery is a sport fishery provided to the non-native sport fishing guys, like myself, as a gesture of good will. They don't have to open it up if they don't want too, but many years ago, the Tribe made the offer to the state, therefore the creation of the fishery. The Tulalips have voluntarily quit netting the inside the snohomish river to protect summer chinnok and week native steelhead stocks (therefore a most recent improvement in the numbers of summer run steelhead returning). The Tulalip have replaced over a many culverts in the N.Fork Stilly that were blocking fish migration, and most recently they have over the past year have re-classified all the fish streams in snohomish county in order to challenge the County on its weak or lack thereof of adequate stream buffers. The Tulalips also kill sealions whenever they get a chance (I personally enjoyed this one). The only thing I was unhappy with was the Tribe's participation in the San Juan sockeye fishery. Other Tribes definately have worse track records.
Posted by: Bruce(Coho@TheRefuge)

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/30/99 02:53 PM

I still like my idea, give them the OK for slot machines if they give up hunting/fishing rights.(except limited REAL ceremonial) They get to have Resort gambling with all the jobs and money. We get the fish(whatevers left).
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 04/30/99 08:24 PM

I realize this is prety much a fishing chat but I can't rezist to remind everybody that as bad the Indians are with the fish, you should see what they are doing with our big game. I am an avid and getting avider fisheman and hunter.basicaly my entire hunting erea was totaly destroyed by the Yakima Indians and there over harvest ways. we never should have gave them a single casino unless they turned over ALL fishing and hunting SPECIAL RIGHTS. personaly I would like to do away with Indians alltogether. lets just make them American's like you and me no reservations just 50 UNITED STATES like it says on the map. as for the Indians planting more fish and that stuff. yes I can see it in some rivers. I fish the Nisqaully alot and those fish are from Indian hatcheries. AS for the majority I think they take 3x more than they put out.yes some Indians have a good side so I've heard but I have a difficult time believing some of the stories. they like to say they are doing one thing and really be doing somthing else. Back to the big game hunting by Indians, I don't call them native americans just look up the word native and according to Webster I am a native because I was born in this land, they often publish that they only kill 10 animals in an place out of 35 hunters. but what they don't tell you is that they aren't checked they only report by honesty and if they are checked then they slap a tag on the animal and still have sometimes 2 or 3 more and often kill entire herds and take what they want just to let the rest rot.I could go on allday but I better not. just keap getting the BAN signatures and next we can take down the Inians on the Federal level were they allways run when we try to do something to them on the state level.
Posted by: Dino

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/01/99 01:07 PM

Duck in the FOG. You could have fished for Salmon in the Yakima this year, it was open. They (tribes and state...all our money) have done a decent job of going from none to about 4,000 Chinook (Upriver Bright Clones). I still paid for it but I got to fish for kings somewhere other than at Ringold (w/o a boat).
Posted by: AkBill

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/01/99 08:43 PM

Was there a mandate within the Boldt Decision that allows the Indians to dilute and disrupt your resource by enhancement?

[This message has been edited by AkBill (edited 05-01-99).]
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 10:31 AM

AKBill Unless I missed something they(Indians) are trying to improve the resource for everyone. There commitment is getting larger while ours is getting weaker. It will happen take heed. The resource will be getting better do to the help of the Indians. The state funding is getting weaker every year. The indians are in the process of buying dying state funded hatcheries. It's not a question of pointing fingers. It will happen. I'm not indian but I only beleive what I see. Dino did you work at Marq Packaging?
Posted by: joe

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 05:06 PM

The finger pointing quickly gets out of hand. Evrybody wants to point at one intrest group, we are all part of the problem. Commercal, sport,and native fishing, logging, land devolopment, water use, dams, pollution.
Face it, everytime we wipe our ass and flush we are adding to the problem. Each spoke of the wheel needs to be adjusted to make it work.
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 06:11 PM

hey duck in the fog, I also only believe what I see. as one example, I think in 1987 or 88 they opened lake washington for sockeye sportfishing. on opening day, around july 4th, I was there. launched the boat at the mouth of the cedar river, jetted out to the fishing area and flipped on the fish finder. WOW, from one end of the screen to the other was the biggest school of fish I had ever seen. proceede to catch my limit in 1 hour(6 fish).
as required, if they open the sport fishery they have to let the indians net too. they did so the next day.
I went out to the same place the next afternoon, flipped on the finder, and there was not a fish to be seen. looked over the whole lake and nothing. maybe they flew away?
this is just one of many times I have seen the same type of thing. the fastest way to destroy something is to get it where it has no escape.
Posted by: Mac

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 09:25 PM

For all of you who are sick of the year around slaughter of our big game animals by off-Reservation hunting, there is HOPE. The court case against Indian hunting just got out of State Supreme Court and is off to the Federal Court in San Fransico. Thank God, becuse unlike the states in the rockies where off-reservation hunting is not aloud,and their state Gov. backed the issue,our state Gov. just looks the outher way. Theres a group thats trying to stop the year round slaughter of Wash. big game, they can be contacted at END TREATY ABUSE at P.O.BOX 11187 Olympia Wa.98508-1187 (360-866-1793) Even if its as little as displaying a bumper sticker every bit will help. Chip in if you can and join the fight. Look whats happened since the Bolt decision, our Big Game is next if something is not done.
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 09:50 PM

MAC, nice to hear from a fellow End treaty abuse saporter. I have a bumper sticker that a drive with pride.I went to a couple of the protest at the capital in Olimpa but haven't been able to stay updated. Do you know of a web site with updates to find out how the latest is with the fight to end the treaty abuse? glad to see it go up another level away from this states hands. from what I have heard the Indians cases like this in the past with other states didn't hold water. let me know if you learn anything new I and many others would greatly apreciate the updated info
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 11:20 PM

Mr."T", Theres no doubt that this did happen, but you're talking about 10 years ago. I suppose they should't have the right to fish ? Just us whites have the right, right. What happens when there's not enough funding for the Cedar river prodgect. Do you think the indians will help? Who knows?
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/02/99 11:41 PM

duck in the fog, I just started from one of the first experiances I had with this kind of abuse by the indians. follow behind them sometime after they are done shellfishing a beach....not a rock unturned, follow you nose to a huge pile of rotting chum salmon stripped of their eggs. rape is rape even if you raise the women yourself.
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/03/99 10:21 AM

Mr.T yes there are abuses by the indians . I'm sure glad the whites never abuse the resource. Ha
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/03/99 11:26 AM

duck in the fog, I am not saying that whites don't abuse, it's just a lot harder to do serious damage with 2oz. of lead and a treble hook then a gill net. at least they can fine a snagger.
Posted by: dhlawerence

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/03/99 08:52 PM

my lord

fellas, i am amazed, in my opinion most of the people responding to the tribal treaty rights post are psuedo-humans, in fact it appears that you are racists!!! there seems to be a couple of fellas who understand that the problems in america only began once the white man arrived. read a book called "ecological imperialism" boy, this message is to those of you slandering the indian tribes, the foundation of racism is the hatred for oneself, you must really loathe yourselves. and your leader bob ball supports this, i saw his little video, bob looks like he could loose a few pounds, probably because he never gets out of the boat, do you walk bob? ever? dont worry guys you have no shot at touching tribal netting, first of all, the tribes do more work to protect habitat and study the fish than dfw, dnr, usfs, or private timber industry. why don't you guys bite the legs of agriculture or the timber industry. shoot, by now i would think that all intelligent fisherman knew hatchery fish are damaging to wild fish, however, i have read several posts that support hatcheries, i don't, where is my payback? hatcheries kill wild fish. what is a nate? or a steelie? i think you guys should go back to school, educate yourselves (if possible), learn how to spell (you guys don't spelle veri welll), quit referring to a noble fish with white trash trailor park slang, get out of your boats and walk for once. the exercise will loosen your anger towards other races and allow you to see how foolish and ignorant you all sound. reading this site is like reading ann landers for the ignorant. could care less what you post back to me. grow up and look forward to the next century, a time full of racial diversity, let us celebrate life and the differences among us. bye bye guys
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/03/99 10:26 PM

dhlawerence, far from being ignorant or prejudiced (a prejudice is an opinion formed without fair examination of facts). I find stating things that I have seen happen fair examination. as far as us(whities)not getting out of our boats(I don't even own one) go watch the tribal gill netters sometime.
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/03/99 10:44 PM

dhlawerence, I like the way you think. It is getting out of hand. About my spelling I guess I ain't got no learning I'll work on it. Fishing from the bank {i.e.Me) or boat shouldn't make a difference. I get a little bored sometimes. This is what happens.
Posted by: Bob

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/04/99 12:25 AM

Thanks goodness, a post from an educated person!

First of all, DH, I'm so very grateful that you pointed out that many of us do not always use proper grammar and spelling in our posts. Since this seems to be a pet peeve of yours, I would suggest that you learn how to spell "trailer", as well as the proper use of punctuation in your posts. I would hate to see you suffer over this. Oh, lest I forget your excellent use of capitalization!

I'll be happy to pass along your insights as to my educational background to the University of Washington. I would venture to guess that you feel that we are uneducated because many of us fail to comply with your standards of political correctness.

Thank you for your vote in support of my leadership of a group of concerned anglers with enough guts to stand up for the fish without succumbing to the pressure of not saying anything that might possibly offend someone.

I suppose you're right in your thought that we must all hate ourselves and the foundation of racism is based upon the hatred of oneself. I didn't think so at first, but then my part native girlfriend mentioned that she doesn't approve of the fishing and hunting activities of the tribal members either.

You see DH (is that a nickname, just like 'steelie' or 'nate'?), it is the actions that we dislike, not necessarily the people. If you were a regular reader of the board, as an educated man, you would surely see that as our comments regarding the decline of the fisheries are directed in many directions: the tribes, the state, the commercial anglers, the loggers, and low and behold, even ourselves once in a while.
Again, if you were a regular reader of the board you might have also seen the numerous discussions of hatcheries and perhaps would have known that many of us feel that as a whole, hatcheries are not the answer, yet they likely have their place in the grand scheme of things.

If you're such an educated outdoorsman, then I'm sure you know that in-river gillnetting as it is currently practiced is one of the most harmful influences there is on a steelhead run. Not only from the harvest, but in respect to the discriminate killing of larger fish, as well as the fact that the heartiest of our stocks, the repeat spawners, are forced to run the gauntlet of nets a minimum of three times before their second spawning.

Ignorance? Whites and the state of Washington had the common sense to decommercialize the harvest of steelhead almost 70 years ago.

Thanks for advising me of my dietary and exercise needs, I'm sure that you put in at least six or seven hours a day on your rowing machine as I do.

And just to slander some more, here's a nice article from the Tacoma News Tribune from a couple of months ago. If you like, substitute the word "Specially privileged white hunters" in place of the word "Indian hunters" and this article reads just as bad ... as usual, the cry "racist" comes out when we question a hunting or fishing practice. DH, wake up, label us racist if you want, but please explain to me how this action is justified regardless of who is doing it:

Elk viewing area closed at Mt. St. Helens

By Bob Mottram

The State Department of Fish and Wildlife temporarily has closed a 2,800 acre wildlife-viewing area near Mount St. Helens to protect wintering elk.
The Department said more than 500 elk have been pushed into the area by heavy snows at higher elevations. They are trying to conserve energy during this seasonal period of food shortages, the department said, and become stressed if they have to move to avoid people.
The wildlife area is located just off the Spirit Lake Memorial Highway, Washington 504, about 30 miles east of Castle Rock. It may remain closed to the public through May, the department said.
Fred Dobler, the department's wildlife program manager for the region encompassing the viewing area, said the highway does not penetrate the area, and unpaved roads into the area are gated and locked. However, some people park on the highway and walk in or ride in on horses, he said, and that is now prohibited.
Indian hunting in the viewing area is not a stress factor for the animals, Dobler said.
"This is part of the Loo-Wit (Game Management Unit)" Dobler said. "Some of the local tribal regulations have the Loo-Wit as being a closed area, some of them do not, and some of them I don't know about. But most of the tribal seasons are closed now anyway."
Traffic on the highway is not expected to disturb the animals.
Most of the elk feed on the valley floor, he said, and the highway is on the hillside.
"They're separated by forested slopes," Dobler said. "In some places you can see the elk with binoculars from the highway, but it's at a distance where there's really not any disturbance."

The days of double standards and special rights will end. Maybe not tomorrow, but I'll guarantee you one thing: until everyone in this country lives under the same set of rules, things will never improve for "people of color", despite the best efforts of the NAACP.
Posted by: Mac

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/04/99 11:32 PM

Nice reply Bob,very well said. Keep up the good work. I hope you have a great summer up north, keep us posted.
Posted by: snit

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/06/99 12:56 AM

Howdy all !! If this topic doesn't get a sportsmans blood boiling nothing will. I am personally offended when someone else gets more "rights" than I do. The "natives" are no different than us. We are all descendants from someone, but WHO CARES! Just because you have X blood and I have Y blood doesn't mean that one of us gets different rules to live by. Now I wouldn't trade places with most people in the "villages", just by the outward appearance of the dwellings it doesn't appear to be a happy place. I do have several questions about the reservations (on the O.P. for example,) maybe some folks can educate me on this topic. Who pays to build the "track" housing as seen in some villages? Who pays for all the biologists that DH says the tribes have? Who builds the roads on the reservations and who supplies the "company" cars? Are the natives able to receive welfare, foodstamps, medical coupons, social security? Do natives have to pay income tax and sales tax as well as s.s. and medicare witholding? Are the utilities subsidized? These are all rumors that I have heard for years, and I am hoping someone can set the record straight if only for a specific tribe. If some of these questions are true then why do we (US citizens) allow this to happen? It is not right that someone gets the best of both worlds. Either you are an American and you get gov. assistance if you qualify, or you are a foreign nation and you are self supporting. I don't care who was here first, it was 200+ years ago. The history of the world has evolved by wars, you either won or lost, and if you lost you changed or you were killed. I don't support war, but it happens and life (sometimes) goes on. Sorry for the rambling, let the flaming begin
Posted by: Coho

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/06/99 07:46 PM

Nice response snit. My heritage is half German and half Irish. I can't recall getting a discount on brats or potatoes-beer or whiskey. I should right, my forefathers brought them to this great country of ours. We could all carry Ethnic Discount cards that show our heritage, and you recieve discounts or special rights based on your background.

Your right, we are not the ones who should be paying for the inhumanity of the past, if that were true then those who are of Jewish faith should have their way with all of German decent.

The slate made clean makes all benefit equally. Lets face it if your born in this country your heritage is American.

[This message has been edited by Coho (edited 05-07-99).]
Posted by: Todd

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/06/99 09:25 PM

Hey everyone.

Hope we're all having a nice day today.
It's raining here. Still caught a nice native today on the Kalama.

ALL netting of steelhead and salmon makes my head hurt. What a horrible way to define a fish: dollars.

I will never agree that it's a good idea, nor will I ever agree that WDFW's "management" is worth a damn.

This is my, I hope, informed opinion about treaty fishing rights. The courts say they have them, and have defined what they are. That's 50/50. We can argue about the models that set escapement, but we still get back to 50/50.

Arguing with that, whether you like it or not, which I surely do not, is like complaining about the weather. Do it all you want, but it sure as Hell isn't gonna change. Whattaya gonna do, sue Mother Nature?

Political solutions working with the tribes is the only way to do it. Also, as Bob noted above, passing B.A.N. will put the bad politics on the tribes, rather than the other way around, which is where it has been for a while.

Support B.A.N., sign those petitions (just once, please!), and do what you can in your own backyard and driveway to protect steelhead and salmon habitat.

Have a nice day. Looking forward to summer runs in a few weeks (where they still are!).

Fish on...
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/06/99 10:31 PM

good point coho, I think I would get a discount on just about everything<hinz 57>
todd: 50% of nothing is what? you are right that arguing about it does no good, it is law<still sucks though>
maybe we could sneak a rider on some other bill and make all nets have to be water soluble<hmmm>
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/07/99 01:12 AM

that Hi tooten comnunist needs to get out from behind his computer screen ounce in a while. o.k. I don't have the big degree and sometimes spell a little diferent. I happen to be a little Indian myself but big deal I'm just living like aeverybody els. you would never tell that I am. Like the other guy said wars come and go and there are winers and loooozers. it's people like that communist that keap the pot stired up and not let things settle down.we are sapose to be united in this land. ALL created equally.I really liked the deal about Mt st. Helens. I hunt and fish and camp in that era often and know exactly what goes on around there. th resone the elk are dying of this starvation disiese isn't all they make it to be. there is plenty food around for them. they just get pressured to much. the Inians start hunting them June 1 and don't stop until the end of Febuary with the added tention of non-tribal seasons. if I had to run from hunters 9 months a year including calving times I would starv in short time. the cards are on the table and people like those OVER educated idiots can't realize that sometimes the simple things are best saw by the simple man.

Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/07/99 01:40 AM

I can say this with alot of conviction. The Indians don't give a rats ass about politics good or bad. If this was brought up to any of them they would laugh.
Posted by: dhlawerence

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/07/99 07:57 PM

i dont want a war of words and was just voicing my opinion. congratulations bob for referring to the diversity of races as "people of color" , double standards are unfair, but the white people get 50% and the tribes get 50%, where is the inequity. white anglo-europeans have been the cause of extinction throughout the world, this is what education produces, i know bob has an education, but to drzdrift and mrt, you seem angry and upset and im sorry for that. just remember, white people have caused more environmental destruction than any other race, do you eat macdonalds? they cut down rainforests in s. america to raise their cattle, do you eat beef in the supermarket? if you do, then you are supporting the use of steriods,destruction of stream habitat, and on top of it, you are eating meat that will kill you with cancer. we need to create new standards, not rely on war or racism, i didnt say prejudice, white people have taken, not through war-but through lying to people or killing people who are innocent of anything but not wanting to support american industry. i wish everyone luck and hopefully, you can focus energy on damn removal, bad timber practices, and agriculture, these are your enemies, they destroy fish and produce food that rots in cilos while poor people in america starve, or harvest timber that is sold to japan and then resold back to our mills at jacked up prices. equality is right, for all of us.

good luck, and i hope this post is reasonable
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/07/99 09:50 PM

dh, I read more anger in your first post than in any other post I have seen on this sight so far, go back and review your intentions before accusing others.
as far as extinctions go, there is new evidence that native americans were responsible for the extinction of many species long before white man ever even thought about coming across the water.( mastedon, giant sloth etc.)
the only reason there was any game at all left was because of the no-mans land between waring tribes, where to hunt was to be in danger of being ambushed.
so you see your ancestors may not have been as enviromentally concious as you think.
p.s. your spelling sucks.
Posted by: Duck In The Fog

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/08/99 11:18 AM

Mr.T I,m hedging on your response about native americans were the eradicators of mastadons and giant sloths. Please where can I read this material.
Posted by: headshakes

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/08/99 07:42 PM

Fingers are pointing, but the reality of it is that we are all in this together. Working together is the only way we to solve this thing. Every group has there little problems but nothing will ever get done by arguing, obviously it hasn't worked until this point has it??? Every one needs to do there part. Whether it's being careful with the nates or with Indian nets. It's pretty sad that it comes down to dollars but reality sets in. Just do your part!!! I have to say that I agree with a little bit of every ones posts and that makes it hard. On one hand the Indians dick got [Bleeeeep!] in the beginning on the other thats just the way the world was. I think BAN is a great idea, you bet my white voting ass wants those nets out. Wants more fish, etc. etc. Who Doesn't! I release all my nates and abide by every rule, fish friggin barbless even when not required to. It's just my little part. I can't blame anyone when I see it on both ends. How many of you have seen white guys poaching, dragging nates on the beach, running to the car. i've been in near fist fights screaming at these wankers. They have the same mentality, (there not gettin' my fish). Oh ya, that helps. It's not just one group any more. Maybe we can point fingers until all the fish are gone!!! People better start to wise up with a quickness. use your vote, your voice to get this job done.
Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/08/99 09:28 PM

had to take a break and see if there was any fish still out there. happy to report there is, got three nice hatchery fish out of the kalama today. kept two crome bucks around ten lbs. let the hen swim.
duck in the fog: there was an article in the tacoma news tribune about a month ago on this subject, you can also read Lewis and Clarks journal and there is a lot mentioned on the subject of over hunting by native americans. the info is out there, I could tell you some of it but you would not believe it unless you read it yourself, good luck.
Posted by: dcrzfitter

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/08/99 10:48 PM

dh,yes you made me a little upset! I don't take to kindly to being refered to as trailer trash. Call me RED NECK that's o.k. and allso another story. I'm a law abiding citizen that believes what I see and when sobody tries to sell me another story and calles me names for believing like I do I'm going to get a little hot. Like I've said before there are good Indians I relize that but what ticks me off is that they get special rights. Everybody is screaming for equality but then they take more. all I want to see is everybody going by the same laws. why should Indian or anybody else get different laws? yes we have all done our part in bringing the salmon to where they are. and we won't solve anything by arguing. wrong is wrong no matter who is the one doing it. I get really ticked when I see white guys poaching and get even ticked more when they get busted really get the book thrown at them and then if an Inian does the same or worse nothing happens or they get a hand slapped. No I 'm not saying the white guys should get a brake. they should have stiffer penaltys but should allso enforce them evenly to everybody no matter who they are. I'm curious about one thing DH. do you saport BAN or are you agianst it. I would think some one like yerself,being concernd about the enviroment would be an avid saporter. am I right? I agree with you about the damns needing to be changed but I don't think they should remove ALL of them. I think they should be required to have GOOD fishladders like they were originally. I allso don't like the timber being cut and sold overseas and then sold back at a higher price. I think that itself has in a large way hurt our salmon indirectly. No I don't eat at macdonalds. YUCK!!! we actually grow our own pork and beaf, it taste much better and is a lot more a matter of fact I'm having home grown pork tonight and need to go eat it. see yall around

Posted by: FshnMR

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/09/99 12:30 AM

I agree with you about equall law for all, dh forgets that 50% of the fish going to 1% of the population(native americans) is not equality!!!!!
Posted by: Bruce(Coho@TheRefuge)

Re: Treaty fishing rights - 05/09/99 01:44 PM

My main complaint is with wastage (fish/game) and commercial fishing for steelhead period. I can't see netting salmon to be sold at almost nothing for catfood. Or stripped of eggs and left to rot( or just rot if its a buck.). Steelhead for me is a different issue. They should be just gamefish with manditory release of all wild fish.
If you see a store selling wild steelhead, don't shop there( maybe post their name?) and tell them why. Don't do services for companies that sell or transport wild steelhead. i.e. Don't bitch about the fishing then agree to repair their boat motor for $300 bucks. Do not go to the tribal casinos/firework stands. Use political pressure(support the ban)and protest to achieve our goal. Please don't use terms like "featherheads", it makes our arguement seem to be a racial issue. The treaties 50/50 break down of the fish is a mote point. Our voice should make sure it is done responsibly and to force the native americans to make changes. 'later all, off to ebay to spend money.