Well, we juuuust started really seeing springers spawning in the Pe ell to Jones creek float and Elmat gt rd to porter floats...
Everything else above there is an absolute ghost town... like only 3 redds above wheyerhauser..that whole upper basin!

Surveyed skookumchuck from the dam down to bucoda and same story...springers are just now hitting the gravel, well past peak(same story i hear in the Newaukum) and fall fish are starting to show despite the dams flow regime that was trying to separate the 2 stocks.

My index areas are about to go crazy next week if we get a bump of rain, However, it's still dead dog low and those fish will still be spawning in all the areas I don't want to see them for fear of losing most of the eggs to our first big freshet.
Fish gills are like diesel engines, don't run them out of fuel!