Not absolutely sure, but I think this is actually better than what we had in October last year. November, however, when those nice, big coho are running strong, looks like an absolute slaughter. The NT nets will be done after their last day in November, but the QIN will be in 6 days per week the rest of the way for their "winter steelhead fishery."
I agree that the Tribe is only doing what the law allows in the fall salmon fishery, but I will NEVER be convinced that nets in the water 6 days a week amounts to 50% of the available catch in what is, despite being labeled a steelhead fishery, none other than the rape of the highest quality component of the coho run. This, in my mind, is where they should be challenged about their supposed commitment to sustaining salmon.
As for the NT gillnetters, well, Rivrguy has it pegged. They are legally entitled nothing, but their fishery is the one that cuts into our opportunity the rest of the season. Sickening.