Originally Posted By: Hankster
Originally Posted By: CedarR

I'm headed out to buy Woodward's new book, and maybe pick up some NIKE apparel. Their clothing is so much more affordable than their stock these days. Just doing my part to make sure the Dems inherit a robust economy in November...


With your tax cut and your personal exemption nearly doubled you should be able to afford some NIKE apparel.

Get yourself a Kaeperkneeler sweatshirt for the winter.

Just do it.

Complete fail with the book buying plan. Costco hasn't stocked the Woodward book, yet. They only had Omarosa's bestseller, Unhinged and Craig Unger's topseller, House of Trump, House of Putin available today. Not on display were Everything Trump Touches Dies, Fire and Fury, The Plot to Destroy Democracy, Proof of Collusion, Russian Roulette, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, and Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic...probably sold out. Almost every title I've mentioned has received 4 1/2 to 5 star reviews on Amazon. Omarosa's book was the lowest rated with 4 stars. Remarkably strong reviews for "fake news".

My new and improved tax benefits won't cover shopping at NIKE retail. When Trump gets through redistributing middle class wealth to big donors, corporation CEOs, one percenters, and his family; hopefully, thrift stores will still be a shopping option. Those RWWJs who couldn't figure out how to light a "strike anywhere" match to ignite the NIKE clothing they were wearing, will likely donate those items to the nearest Goodwill. That's where I'll score my "new" NIKE sweatshirt. Not that much of a Kaepernick fan, but am OK with being a walking billboard for free speech and expression. Maybe I can find a sweatshirt logoed with "CITIZENS UNITED".