There he is.....knew I could limit before noon here.....Ohhh, this ones a little
prettier... bet he tastes a little sweeter too.....may be a Brookie.

Fish #5 Best Underused Idea Award.
To the Dept. F&G employee(s) who developed the "Net Pen rearing at
the Resorts on area lakes w/ F&G food and trout and Resort Labor Program.
This Person(s) should be promoted and given a biiiiig bonus.
And their concept should be extended to EVERY lake Resort on an either
or basis......Either do it or your lake looses it's allotment of trout.

Well, Sad, but that's my limit for today. Hope they're all simmering in the Pan.
I think I can smell em cooking?
Before noon too, see what a great fisherman I am! My ego's just pumped to
bursting. Betcha I could come back here and get 5 more tomorrow. Just you
wait and see. No sense my HOGGING (no pun intended) the webwaves all day.
See yuz later!
If you can't go fishing today,
At least talk fishing!