
All in good fun. I'd venture that most of us have caught a "whitefish" like that (aka large scale sucker) while steelhead fishing. They are mainly algae eaters, so it has always amazed me to find that I've caught more of them fair hooked than snagged.


Like WW posted, there's more to it than just a grass roots group of people that want to make an RMP happen. The steelhead, and the data about them, have to be on your side. The Green was the last PS system that began to consistently fall below the escapement goal, so that might be a good place to begin. IMO, the Green, Puyallup, and NIsqually basins all have habitat that could support modest or decent returns. Doing that on a consistent basis would require addressing the proximate cause of early marine mortality, i.e., eradicating about 50% of PS pinnipeds. And I think that ain't about to happen.