Phil and Lorraine's argument may be close to right, if you only consider WA fisheries. And they muddle the discussion enough that one doesn't look too closely.

The only short-term chance the SRKWs have is closure of all marine mixed stock harvest of Chinook, coastwide. Prosecute Chinook fisheries after they have passed by the SRKWs (rivers and bays).

At the same time, pinnipeds need reducing, dams need breeching, habitat needs restoring, and the fisheries that affect Chinook food base need managing. Those are the longer term solutions.

But, starving fish need food now.

Say it's early April, 1945 and you are in the group liberating one of Concentration Camps. Are you going to tell them that you have provided the German people with farm equipment and they will be providing you food from there? Will you tell them that you will turn off the Nazi PA system that blared music about "Arbeit macho frei". Will you send in carpenters to repair (restore) the barracks? Or will the first order of business be seeing that they have enough to eat?