Originally Posted By: DrifterWA

Kids, say the darndest things....If the "kids" today only knew the 100's of hours working brood stock programs, picking eye'd eggs, baby sitting salmon, collecting money for summer run food, going to meetings....to just to keep the fishery's available for all,.... that's what us Old Farts do....we'd like to see more young people 20 - 60 start going to NOF meetings, learn to fight the fight.

I see them all the time...pay your $$$$$$$ for the license, then want to fish without putting any time to get the resource back......I'm here to tell you, no active older people, WDFW would be making sure the commercial fisheries would be allowed to take even more......The battles are on going in Willapa Bay, Chehalis, and Humptulips,,,,,there are other battles, some involve $$$$$$$ to pay lawyers to fight the WDFW lawyers...

Be thankful, or you'd have even less.....

^this is the real deal. What will you do when "the old farts" are gone and there is no one to do the heavy lifting? Bob R