Beezer, That is the exact same email I got from him.

My response:
Senator Wagoner,

This quote from your reply:

If the Department does not receive funding for this work in the 2020 supplemental, or funding for our other at-risk activities, then unfortunately, they will have to reduce or eliminate a number of services.

Is the very reason I and others have contacted our representatives and senators. To be frank, it appears to be business as usual instead of forward thinking to provide opportunity in the changing landscape of recreational fishing. It was outside the box thinking that enabled us to show WDFW the path forward to develop a plan to conduct this fishery. It may require similar thinking to fund it, including authorizing the department to charge daily or seasonal user fees for this flagship steelhead fishing opportunity. Again, what we do now will affect the future of not only this fishery but others to follow. The legislative mandate for WDFW is, in part, to provide sustainable recreational angling. This fishery meets the very definition of sustainable recreational angling and provides a template for moving forward.

We need our representatives and lawmakers to get behind this and support the funding needed for the Steehead Jewel of the Pacific Northwest.

His response to that:

Please know, I am working on it. No guarantees because it will require the support of both the House and the Senate but I know and understand the importance of this program.

Catch & Release Is Not A Crime