The trip was put together by a colleague in LA, and it was work-related enough that my trip and food was paid for, all I needed was a round trip ticket to San San Diego, $$$ for tips and beer onboard (food was provided, actual chef onboard)...and about $500 to get all my fish home.

Flew down on a Friday morning, boat left the dock at 7pm, and ran all night...fished all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and Monday til noon.

The boat fishes up to 22 people, but we only had 14 onboard, with 5 crew members (two captains, two deckhands, and the chef).

The boat caught half a dozen bluefin, too, but nothing over 50, and none by me. We ran into a few schools of them but they would not bite.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle