Originally Posted By: fish4brains
If the tribe is closing it down then I trust it's for good reason. If the state closed it, no one would trust the decision at all.

I like to know the reason, the QIN is closing the fishery. There has not been much QIN pressure.....1 set net.

As many of you know there is a fish trap on the Wynoochee, about 2 miles below the dam.

I can tell you the total steel head that have been trapped is 154 hatchery. 81 of the hatchery steel head were trucked above the lake, Tacoma City Light does this part, and WDFW has taken 73 hatchery steel head to Lake Aberdeen for brood stock. 14 Native steel head have been taken by WDFW to the Lake Aberdeen hatchery.

I know there have been fish caught in the Wynoochee sport fishery but the total doesn't look very good off a 2018 winter steelhead plant of 171,000

I drove to the river today.....UGLY, UGLY, UGLY........Believe me, stay home....watch Super Bowl!!!

Edited by DrifterWA (02/01/20 09:31 PM)
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"