China has no GDP.

This virus is an engineered bioweapon. Its already too late here, this virus spreads 5 times easier than the common flu, and 2 1/2 times easier than the 1912 Spanish flu, incubates for 14 days and is fully contagious throughout that time. in about 7 to 10 days we will see what the spread is like here.

Fed has been buying 100 billion per day in stocks since September from their trading desk, to keep moving the markets up.

Fed has been direct injecting up to 800 billion per day into the major US bank REPO market since September to stop the banks from going bankrupt.

So far in the past 4 months as little as 40 trillion up to 100 trillion has been directly injected by the fed into the US stock market and US banking system combined.

Why do you think all this is happening?

BREXIT? (a definite factor in what shows itself next week in the European economy)
arrests coming?

Do you think the Fed might be ready to clear its balance sheets?

Do you think the Fed is ready to cash out in the stock market?

One thing is for sure, if the markets do crash the Fed wont be holding the empty bag in the end.

Almost forgot, bond yield curve inverted last Monday again, still is inverted.

We will see on Tuesday.

Edited by RICH G (02/02/20 07:58 AM)