Geez, Fred. How many times do I have to thank you? I did get them, thanked you profusely (or at least said thanks) and asked you some follow-up questions which you didn't answer, so I'm guessing my outpouring of gratitude went astray. It figures; try to be polite to a nice person, and the effort goes off into electronic la-la land.

I also e-mailed you today at your new address with a follow-up question.

Now, here's what I'll do. I'll take a digital photo of the Bug and try to post it here. My success on posting photos is right up there with my success at the lottery, so the chances are that it won't work. If it doesn't, send me an e-mail with your return address, and I'll post a picture to you directly. I can e-mail pix, I just haven't been able to post at the WFF site.

Old Man, you'll like these flies. They are easy to tie, inexpensive, and lend themselves well to experimentation.

Wish me luck,
