Absolutely low summer flows which dictate Coho and Steelhead rearing success. High water in the sense that greater runoff but if you have a full blown flood, not so much. Yes as to early run off rains before the ground soaks up as it runs off rapidly but that is not a contributing factor of any great magnitude. Think of it this way. Ground with trees stays soft and moist to some degree through summer and into the fall. Ground exposed bakes out and is is somewhat hard so rains do not soak in all that well until it absorbs water and softens. So timber harvest does increase early run off vs unharvested lands but after a point when the ground soaks not as much. Timber harvest does contribute to mass wasting as it simply puts the natural erosion process on steriods. Now urbanization contributes to mass run off 24 7 and never stops and carries substantial chemicals and organics with it. It is what it is.

Edited by Rivrguy (04/22/20 12:17 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in