Hi Dutchman,

I'm primarily a flyfisherman and am lucky enough to know (and have fished) most of the names mentioned in this discussion.

Bob makes a really good suggestion that you quiz you're prospective flyfishing guide on how he likes to fish. Everything from backtrolling nymphs from a driftboat to chuck 'n duck with big indicatiors has been marketed as "flyfishing".

Since you're experienced steelhead flyfishers already, I'm sure you have an idea how you like to fish. Not much different for winters, just Lower and Slower.

That being said, guys like Bob (from this site) and JD Love are very accomplished flyfishermen. That they also guide using other methods doesn't change the fact that they've mastered flyfishing for winter steelhead. And. as Bob mentioned, he uses traditional techniques (swinging the fly) and also favors a single-handed flyrod.

If you want a flyfishing only guide, i can second Dave Steinbaugh's recommendation - a very accomplished flyfisher and speycaster who I've only heard good reports about from those who have spent a day with him on the river.

Good Luck!
