R B Meiser Rods (some of the finest spey rods you can buy) is now taking a whole new 'tack' on the subject. Bob is starting to indicate on his rods the (spread) of grain weights that the rod works best.

So instead of a 8/9 (or what-ever) it will say 550-700 grains. The grain wts for almost all spey lines are well known now so you pick what kind on line you want from within the recommendation. The only exception to this is the 'new' Carron spey line (and it's a true hummer of a dry line) which actually follows the AFTMA requirements (grain wt for first 30 foot of line).

But where this gets you into 'trouble' is their 10-11 would actually match up with most 8 or 9 wt spey fast action spey rods.

Think Bob may have the answer.