Six years this month - happens to be the longest stint of my career and twice the money of any other gig and growing. Lead business developer for one of the fastest-growing privately held companies in the region. When I started revenue was @ ~$4M with 18 people and now we're @ $70M with 350 people. I've had some great jobs most of which have lasted between 3 - 5 years and working with awesome clients in advertising, marketing and product development both digital and hardware. This current job - which I'll probably ride on into retirement combines all of my past experience while continuing to challenge me to grow my knowledge in consulting my clients. Very rewarding to be able to be on the leading edge of technology and bring solutions to clients that transforms their business. No project or client is the same and I get to work with everyone from back of napkin startups to Fortune 50 tier corporations.

Kudos Todd for the successful career switch - not that easy to pull off!
. . . and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and have dominion over the fish of the sea . . .