Originally Posted By: NickD90
Originally Posted By: Carcassman
LW should simply be converted to walleye. They'll do better in the current and future conditions.

Over Cutties? Say goodbye to a potential worldclass cutty fishery and everything else that swims in that lake. There are a handful in there now, but I'm not sold that's enough to establish a blooming population.

Besides would anyone actually eat resident Walleye out of there? Nasty.

IMO - it should be managed for big cutties. Very few big cutty lakes around any metro area in the world (or even in the wild). If it was managed, developed and marketed correctly, guys would come from all over to catch 5 - 15 pound fish. Manage it right and 20 pounders wouldn't be out of the question. There's guys in CO, WY, MT that would die to be able to fish over consistent big cutties.

Tough call and interesting convo - you probably know the science a billions times better than I do.

It should be managed for Sockeye. Half the state can fit in that lake when it actually has a season.
Why build in the flood plain?