Originally Posted By: Illahee
Here's Dan with his college garage band.

Arthur Brown was a visionary. He was the original shock rocker along with Screaming Lord Sutch!

Anyway yeah let's be positive,DWATKINS!!

I have the freedom to bail town this weekend but am not sure whether I want to go to the sierras somewhere,or trout fishing in some remote canyon,or go chase stripers in the surf out of Pacifica. I was thinking of even booking a charter for salmon somewhere just for sh!ts and giggles,maybe a combo trip out of Eureka for Halibut/Salmon. I'm about to go pick up some cash from a job I did for a friend. Bills are pretty much paid.

Live your lives OUTSIDE the way the good lord intended.

There is a lot of great stuff in the world. I live in a veritable paradise.I have many good people in my life. I just bought a cool Hamer guitar and a friend is going through it and setting it up for me for free.

You get what you give in this world. I put out the good sh!t,and I get back in spades. I love my place,it's ,small,simple,great vibe,nice art. I have an extensive music collection. I have state of the art fishing gear coming out of my ears. And ,this is the best part of this post,maybe even the best thing to ever be posted on Piscatorial Pursuits...

Some of you will get to meet me. Lucky lucky you!!