Given the current flow of the river (3500-4500 cfs), your average 8 hour float can quickly become nothing more then a half a hour ride down the river.

Beware of the Cle Elum launch as there is nasty sweeper just a couple hundred yards down the river.

My suggestions, if you have never floated the river would be to give the Lower Canyon a try (it has also been the section that is fishing the best). Throw your boat in at Umtanum and float down to the Slab or even Roza...think about 15 miles if you float an entire day.

If not, throw your boat in at first light and fish til late morning..Umtanum down to Reds would be a good bet plus the river has been fishing best with big hopper-dropper techniques either first thing in the morning or late afternoon into the evening.

Other short floats would include KOA to Ringer (very short) or KOA to Umtanum.
Ryan S. Petzold
aka Sparkey and/or Special