I got a call in answer to my questions but I still need some clarification. The anti snagging rule on page 16 of the sportfishing rules does not mention anything about barbless hooks.
(Anti-Snagging Rule Except when fishing with a
buoyant lure (with no weights added to the line
or lure), or trolling from a vessel or floating device,
terminal fishing gear is restricted to a lure or bait
with one single-point hook. Hooks must measure
¾" or less from point to shank, and must be attached
to or below the lure or bait. Weights may
not be attached below or less than 12" above the
lure or bait.)

On page 19 of the regs
(Hook and line angling only. Barbed or barbless
hooks may be used, and a hook may be singlepoint,
double, or treble, but not more than one line
with up to three hooks per angler may be used.
Single-point barbless hooks are required in
areas designated as "fly fishing only" or "selective
gear rules.)

And on page 27 starts the rules for Green/Duwamish. There is mention of the anti snagging rules but nothing about fly only or selective gear rules.

So my question is, "are barbless hooks required on the Green/Duwamish"? As I read the regs I think they are optional and the information I was given is incorrect. Can someone please enlighten me?