I can't imagine a better way to use your Bigly Gigantic Socialist Capitalistic Bailout Fund Containing $600...and using it to totally fuckk over the hedge funds that have fukkked you over, over and over again.

They are happy to short stocks, then send their analysts to cable TV news to tell you how crappy a company is to make their stock fall, pocketing the difference while the stockholders are left holding the bag and the company goes out of business.

A virtual and actual Black Friday Part II where hedge funds jump out of windows and plummet to the sidewalk below would be a good start.

That being said...the American people have a short memory, and we continually bail out the 1%ers that steal money from us until their house of cards falls down...by giving them all of our tax dollars, and letting them do it again.

If we don't start holding them accountable, and then making deep and institutional changes in how the financial system works, they will continue to drive it like they stole it (because they did), and then when the wreck it, we'll give them a new car and send them back out on the road.

But...by all means...don't forget about Pizzagate and email lady.

If the Derp State Operatives are really concerned about the Deep State, they'd go after the real one, the one that is plundering us and our planet, not the made up one that morons and imbeciles like Q and his cultmembers are worried about.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle