Even in retirement, Miranda Wecker is a SUPERSTAR!

I read her ENTIRE declaration... and it thoroughly outlines the problems of public distrust due to lack of transparency in the NOF negotiations with the treaty tribes.

She also highlights the "insufficiency" (dare I say incapacity?) of WDFW in managing salmon populations for sustainability. Instead, the wild salmon population trajectory is one of progressive depletion practically everywhere the critter swims... even in largely "habitat-intact" basins that could otherwise stand out as veritable salmon strongholds. Even there, salmon are slowly swirling the toilet bowl toward extinction.

And just like all the past presidents in my lifetime who have rhetorically pledged to balance the budget and reduce the national debt on their personal watch... the fiscal monster perpetuated by each administration (regardless of red or blue) only plunges the nation ever deeper into exponential and unsustainable debt.

WDFW pays similar and notoriously EMPTY lip service to its supposed mission to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the wild salmon resource. Instead their historic performance record is shamefully steeped in negligent and progressive overharvest, habitat degradation, and depletion... but that charge wouldn't make for a very poetic mission statement.

The present leadership at WDFW has boxed itself into a state of utter irrelevance. Yeah everybody's working hard and spinning their wheels.... but to what end?

Beyond discouraging.
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!