I should add that there is actually two closely related breeds that are generally covered by the name "Labrador". The true Labrador is rather easily identified as a highly trained, easily directed (hand/whistle) signals to find birds, its willingness to follow all commands, and so on.

The "hidde" breed is the Labbadork. It is most easily identified by looking into its eyes. One moment, there is deep wisdom. The next? You can see right out the earholes. "Dorks" are often seen in the front seat of vehicles, in chairs in the house, sleeping on the bed. They are also seen in the field where they may not always recognize their name, may not always follow your directions, but bring back the birds. Also, the Dorks we have had have been willing to die to protect their family; you don't want to be pissing one off by hurting their family, especially their children.