Just an opinion from an old guy who has caught a lot of fish. On a tip from Ted McManus, an old friend: Cut one of the prongs off any treble hook you are using. So I tried it and it worked. In the small rivers on Admiralty, and Baranoff where I guided, I cut off one of the prongs on all the Blue Fox spinners that my clients were using for coho and dollies. It worked great, easy to remove, and judging by the twenty to forty fish per day that were hooked (mostly released - we had a strict lodge limit of two kept per day). No bait is allowed in SE Alaska streams, so all fish are caught on lures. Single hooks are fine, but replacing trebles with singles can be a pain. On some snaggy creeks my clients would lose two, three or sometimes four lures a day - times three or four clients, seven days a week. That's simple math and a lot of gear. In tidewater, it was a lot less problematic.