Wife asked me to start this one for all the fishing widows out there. Get the wives into this one guys and lets here what they have to say.
A couple from my wife;
-When your husbands idea of a "Date Night" is a quick movie after a day of fishing. And then he falls asleep on you during the movie.

-When all your family buys for your husband for X-Mas is more fishing tackle.

-when your husbands car reaks of fish and bait, or better yet when he leaves and forgets about sand shrimp he left in your trunk when he borowed your car to go fishing...2 months earlier.

- the #1 reason you know when you are a fishing widow; When all your husbands friends are either guides or other fisherman and they call you on the phone to get river reports when your husband is out on the river.
John Koenig
John's Guide Service
"Wounded Warriors In Action" Associate & NW Field Coordinator

"Life is short. Never pass up a hug. Look children in the eye when you talk to them. Bend the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile."