
I'm not sure why you would want to put a 7 wt line on your 5 wt fly rod. I think you would simply find that you then have a rod and line out of balance that is no fun to cast. I do have a couple specialty lines of 200 gn that are labeled as being for 5 or 6 wt rods. The difference is that the head or belly portion of the line (where the weight is) is 24' long instead of the AFTMA standard 30' that would weigh 130 gn (5 wt) or 160 gn (6 wt). I also haven't cast either of these lines yet and planning to try them on a 6 and 7 wt rod.

If you want to do this we could talk about it over lunch and test cast lines at Pioneer Park or Munn Lake launch. I've got a bunch of rods and lines.