I totally agree that every fish counts when it comes to killing them. But I still feel that the nets in the river are doing far more damage than any sport fishery could do. If the nets were removed and there were high waters that would allow fish to move up to spawning grounds, the result would be drastic improvements in future runs of fish. Then everyone would not be so against someone taking a wild fish. Low water conditions this year have made nets more effective. There is absolutely no doubt about that. I would almost guarantee the effects will be felt in a few years.

It would be time well spent if everybody would start focusing their thoughts and energy on banning nets which kill all fish. There are more important things to worry about than a handful of fisherman who bonk wild fish.
When I have kids of my own I want them to be able to catch a nice wild fish and get a good picture of it. The picture is far more precious than some fillets that taste the same as a hatchery fish.