A nice note came my way last night ... I'll change the river name and the angler's name to protect the "guilty" / "innocent"

So, I'm getting ready to go fish the "River X" this weekend, haven't been out all year, I've got my leader, my hooks, and begin tying up. And I sit there and draw a complete blank on how to tie an egg loop. I must have tied millions of these damn things, and I couldn't for the life of me remember how.

Then I remembered seeing that you had an mpeg on how to tie egg loops. Thanks!! You saved me mucho frustration and embarrassment, I was going to have to call my buddy and ask him!

Mpeg Lover

In light of the long hours I put into keeping things going / updated ... notes like this mean a lot to me and keep me going ... kind like watching a youngster catch his/her first fish. I appreciate them and am happy to hear that some of you are enjoying the fruits of our labor! Good luck to all!
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"