As far as state and tribal they are as corrupt as the mafia!! Two seasons ago I brought my girlfriend to the skokomish. It was a perfect late summer day, the kind of day you know you were gonna get fish. Until some tribal members started throwing explosives into the river to shock and push salmon into their nets. I was appauled!! So I called our wonderfull stae fisheries, thought it would be a good idea, since they should be the ones to handle such a thing. right? wrong!! They promptley told me this was a trible issue, not their problem.
What the hell does it do to buy your liscence even when this is the **** your gonna get from the state that sets the laws and is responsible for enforcing them!!!!!

Sure wish I was Indian, all the Rights none of the laws.

I believe its time to look at the states involvement as a whole. Not as one state and a nation. Thought this was supposed to be all of our fish.